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Book Reviews and comments about everything DebtSmart

Scott Bilker Scott Bilker is the founder of DebtSmart.com and author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card DebtCredit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. Receive the 5-Year Loan Spreadsheet when you subscribe to his email newsletter.
  1. Reviews for Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt
  2. Read Media Reviews
  3. Email Newsletter Reader Comments
  4. Reviews for How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart
  5. Reviews for Credit Card and Debt Management

“Hi Scott! You are an Inspiration! You have helped me immensely for 7 years in controlling my debt. Just wanted you to know that my credit score has improved immensely! It took 4 years of careful money management to raise my score. March 2008 my score was 694. Today, July 2012, I was able to buy my first new car in a while with a credit score of 778! Woo Hoo. My loan is for 5 years at 0.9%. I had to spend 7 hours at the dealership haggling price the whole way. I made sure that the ‘figures’ were spelled out for me perfectly for every item and discount. Then I went through them again 3-4 times on each page to verify. I guess the finance guy was tired of explaining so I wiggled another $1,000 off the deal. Persistence and Patience. Four times I started to walk away, but in the end it was worth it all! I now have a car and finance terms I am very satisfied with. I just wanted you to know I remembered all the things you teach, put them in place, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for everything!”
—Robert Childers

“I am a HUGE fan of DebtSmart! I apply the knowledge I have gained in my everyday life and preach this website to family, friends, coworkers and customers like it was my Bible!”
—Ed Fletcher

“I just wanted to write in and let you know how great this web site is. The suggestions you make and the information you provide are amazing! Moreover, these make so much sense from a financial perspective. By following your advice, I was able to change my debt structure and will be completely debt free by the end of next year. And, in doing so, I was able to save over $250 a month. Thank you so much!”
—Joe Saxton

“Your articles are easy to read and follow, although they contain a lot of detail. You have a talent for being able to tell people complicated things without making them seem stupid, or the goal unattainable. I think most of us are financially lazy–we would rather keep on in our rut than change–but then along come articles like yours that shock us into motion. I love the links to other articles and sites. I also love the calculation tables. I have subscribed to your newsletter and used your site for many months now. I find you to be ‘on the cutting edge’ when it comes to financial matters–I always end up pushing myself to do something more when I have read your articles.”
—Elaine Wente

“One fine site with practical insights and accurate information!”

“DebtSmart.com is one of the most useful money management sites I’ve seen. Actually it’s the best!”
—Bruce Rines

“GREAT site! I really found a goldmine when I found DebtSmart.com. Inspired by what I read, I applied for a 0% for 12-month credit card and have already maxed it by transferring from my HELOC for the beginning of my interest-free year. It will save me over $200! Thanks!”
—Paul Hammond, Huntsville, AL

“A world of thanks! You site has been a lifesaver and something that I could not have figured out on my own. Money management is so important yet the general public has no idea on how to do it. Most of us live pay check to pay check and planning can be so confusing. Again thanks for your help!”
—Edie Murgia

“After watching you in an interview today I was inspired to pick up the phone and call several of my credit cards in hope of receiving lower rates. After negotiating with several of the credit card companies that we have accounts with (we have about 10), only one refused to budge on its rates. The rest lowered their rates significantly. However, we decided not to settle for just a significant drop. After Bank One offered a fixed rate of 3.9%, we asked all of our cards if they could match it. One other did and then some. Several others would not, so we transferred them to cards, which would. The breakdown is as follows: (1) $9,480 transferred from a 10% variable rate to a 3.9% fixed rate; (2) $7,415 from a 10.34% variable rate to a 3.9% fixed rate; (3) $6,436 from a 12% variable rate to a 3.9% fixed rate; (4) $18,000 from a 8 1/2% variable rate to a 2.9% fixed rate. Thanks Scott for all the insight. I could not be more thrilled!”
—Denise Troy

“I just wanted to drop you an email and say how much I enjoyed your web site. You have helped me massively in gaining new information on subjects in which, to be honest, I previously knew little about. Thanks for your hard work and help in better educating and assisting me.”
—Rachel O’Rourke, UK

“I am very honored and pleased to take this time to write to you and thank you. One day I found your book in the library and found myself addicted to Credit Card and Debt Management. I use all of the formulas and tables in the back all of the time, and in doing so, have turned my bills around from paying them off in a matter of a couple years faster. Thank you for letting me not worry anymore.”

“I took your advice and moved the remaining $18,900 dollars of my car loan at 4.9% interest onto two, 0% credit card offers I had received. According to my Credit Union’s own loan calculator this has saved me $734 in interest alone this year–more than a payment on the original loan.

I also applied for and got the AmEx Blue, Cash Back Credit card that is advertised on your site. So far I’ve accrued $430 in cash back credits. After using this card I got a Mastercard paying 1% on purchases and 3% on gas. So far I’ve earned over $60 in credits and by the end of the year the two cards should make another car payment. Thanks for the help!”

—Dan Kauffman

“I liked the fact that Scott breaks everything down so you can understand it better. His knowledge and honesty about finances and getting out of debt helped me with my “situation” as well. I am so glad that I found this web site. Thank you for all the wonderful advice you give.”

“Debtsmart.com–A Great Personal Finance Site! Scott is really an expert and consumer advocate of credit card. He wrote books and maintains a great web site DebtSmart.com talking about credit card tricks and best consumer practices. Actually, this web site is a vivid personal finance bible by itself.”
—MM, webmaster of pfblog.com

“The help and advice that you gave me regarding my 25-year-old daughter’s credit problems was beyond my expectations. Not only did you give me excellent financial advice, but it was delivered with the type of warmth, compassion and concern that I would have expected from a lifelong friend… the lesson is that we can trust DebtSmart. We will gladly recommend your web site and your books to anyone.”

“The advice is practical and down to earth. Thanks to tips I got from reading your newsletter in previous years I am repaying my debts with low monthly payments interest free! DebtSmart is full of great ideas and handy hints. Everyone who ever struggled with credit will find at least one idea to help them climb out of debt and live debt free eventually.”
—Karen Cournoyea, DebtSmart Email Newsletter Reader

Credit Card and Debt Management: The math behind the plastic.”
—Newsweek (3/24/03), Linda Stern

“The classic work on managing the opiate of the indebted. I love this book.”
—Susan Mulward

“I ordered your books and studied them and I have read your newsletter for quite some time. I had close to $55,000 in credit card debt with high interest rates. Following your advice I did balance transfers until I was able to get the interest rate to 3.9 percent and I have paid off four cards and cancelled them. In two years the total has dropped to about $25,000 and is dropping fast with the low interest rate. My son lost his job 7 months ago and your advice saved their home. Keep up the good work and especially keep telling everyone not to trust the banks who issue the credit cards.”
—Jimmy Thomas, Texas

“I wanted to let you know that the new video newsletter feature is a WOW! Two thumbs up addition to your excellent web site and update column–good work, fella!

Also wanted to send you a heartfelt Thank You for the site, and indeed having the guts and resilience to put it all together in the first place. You’ve really done a very good job in making help available to thousands of needy people; no matter how educated you are, what your job is, and where you come from, if you have no money you feel like a loser. And when you’re in debt, you feel worse than a loser–you feel a failure, naked, guilty, worse off that the poor old tramp in the street, vulnerable, and that a speeding steamroller is about to whack you off (sorry, I’m English–is that the right expression?!!) and squash you into nothingness. But your site–and indeed, you yourself–have taken that fear away from myself and countless others–and for that I thank you.

I’m English, living and working in a well paid job in the UK, and although I’m still in debt, your website/newsletter/books have made me realize that I’m not alone, still have a future, and have given me the confidence to do something about it. I’m still in debt, and will be for the next five years, but each and every month improves and that overall big red number is decreasing.

Most important of all, Scott, is that I now am in control–thanks to you.

You’re very popular over here in the UK, by the way–I’ve read about you on various newsgroups and sites.

Sorry to have bothered you with this, and apologies for being long-winded–just wanted to pass on some positive feedback in these gloomy times.

Take care, and with the very best of wishes.”
—Nick Smith

“Thank you so much for sending me this monthly letter. I am growing and learning all of the time in my least favorite subject – MONEY! However, I’m getting better at it and I’m grateful to you and your service. God Bless.”
—Hannah Chapman, DebtSmart® Email Newsletter Reader

“I want to thank you for your informative articles and the guidance that it gives to us out in the world.”
—Kim in Ottawa, Canada

“I just want to thank you for your valuable information. I was using Equity Accelerator, and after reading your newsletter, I cancelled the subscription. Afterward, on reading another edition of your newsletter, I decided to look again into refinancing my house. I was paying 8 3/8 % for 20 years. Now, I am paying 4 3/8 % for 15 years. I had rolled over $2100 into my principle of $61000. I am extremely happy, and do gloat when I get a chance considering rates started moving up shortly thereafter. Next to my wife’s money sense, your newsletter has provided the most positive “wealth creation” I have come across. Best wishes, and may your web site influence grow by leaps and bounds. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your valuable service.”
—Lawrence Paschall, Grand Prairie, TX

“I have enjoyed reading it! What I like about How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart is the way it is written is like having a conversation with a friend. Picture it like this, instead of two people but a person and the book sitting at a table with a nice warm mug of Starbucks (that I brewed of course) and learning about credit issues in a relaxing and easy to remember format.”
—Susie Marion

“Before you get in trouble–read this book! This book is excellent! It tells you the ins and outs of how credit cards work and how to use them to your advantage. It explains how to use them wisely and dispels many of the myths that so many people still believe about credit. It gives you in very simple terms the ability to compare different credit offers. The easy to use tables in the back of the book help you figure out if an offer will help or hurt you in the long run and how long it will take to pay off accounts. I also took the advice of getting a credit report. So much on there from the past that didn’t need to be there that wasn’t helping my rating.”
—June Schiller, Taylor, MI, Amazon.com reader

“I enjoyed reading your article about biweekly payment plans and the reality of this “scam”. I have always thought the debt reduction was due to the extra 2 payments, but never really thought about it too much. Your article convinced me to just add an extra amount to principal to my existing auto-debit each months. Thanks!! I’m glad your article came up in the search engine I used, Google.”
—Robert Maloney

“Thanks for your informative article on Biweekly mortgages. It really helped to open my eyes when I was considering one.”
—Kevin Harvey

“The best debt management tool on the market! Credit Card and Debt Management is without a doubt the TOP OF THE LINE in its class. After having read through several debt management books, this one assisted me the most in debt reduction and managing personal finances. It’s clear, concise and practical, with real world examples to learn from. As a member of the U.S. military who has had to relocate every few years, the use of credit cards has been essential in maintaining an enjoyable quality of life. This book has greatly assisted in balancing it all. Investing in Credit Card and Debt Management is money well spent!”
—Jeff Gordon from Honolulu, Hawaii

“The book, Credit Card and Debt Management, is a great help to me. I see credit cards in a different and more positive light. It was one of the four books I picked off the library shelf. I started with yours and never cracked the other three! It is helping me save money on interest payments–to be more hopeful and eager to pay off my debt. I’m still going over the material and using the worksheets. The story in Chapter 5 really helped me to commit to using and learning the material. I found the math easy to follow–everyone knows addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I recommend this book to my friends because I believe it could help them do the same.”
—Michael Petersen, HVAC Installer, Oak Lawn, IL

“A HEADS UP DEBT MANAGEMENT. Credit Card and Debt Management provides a practical step by step easy manner of keeping your debt under control. The author appears to have been there and gives you the easy ways to consolidate and manage your debt as well as the ways to save money from credit card management to savings when purchasing an automobile. It’s all here for the reading.”
—Fred Erstein from SAN DIEGO, CA.

“You may not have heard about it on the evening news (probably not even on WHYY), but there is a new magazine for anyone with a problem of debt management. Sooner or later, most Americans have that problem. It was a problem even back in Biblical times, because there was a commandment calling for a “Jubilee Year” every 50 years. According to the Bible, debts are supposed to be canceled during the Jubilee Year. Throughout the centuries, there have been religious taboos against usury or any lending of money on interest. Benjamin Franklin said, “Neither borrower nor a lender be.” While there has been some progress in reducing the national debt, the American people have the highest total personal debt (and probably the highest personal debt per capita) in the world. So much for Yankee frugality! DebtSmart was recently launched by Scott and Larissa Bilker of Press One Publishing in an unlikely location – not the financial district of New York City but the small town of Barnegat, NJ – in the Barnegat Bay Country about midway between Asbury Park and Atlantic City. But, enough of the prologue; here’s the bottom-line information: DebtSmart is an easy-read magazine printed on coated stock with illustrations and full color. The spring 2001 issue includes a cover story on “reading the fine print in those low-rate credit card offers” and information on saving money (through payment-order awareness and “credit surfing”), multilevel marketing, credit-card canceling and vigilance, and debt-management software.”
—Harry Hyde Jr., Managing Editor, VALLEY VOICE

“Received your premier issue in mail.. Love It !!! Keep it FREE !!”
—Dan Kemple, Mitchell, IN

“After our second conversation on Thursday I was determined to figure out how you arrived at your figures on page 5 (Debt Smart, Spring 2001). Now don’t get me wrong, by no means am I a really good math person, and I really don’t have the time to figure this stuff out, but today I came away from my tax guy (depressed) and was sitting in my car doing some thinking. I picked up your magazine and began on page 5. After an hour and having no success in breaking your code, nothing was working out to even come close. So, I said, “a phone call is in order.” But, after our second conversation, this is what I came up with. Here is what I did and how I did it: I took the APR of 19.8% or .198 divided by 12 = 0.0165 x 30 = 0.495 or $49.50. I began with a balance of $3049.50 and applied the APR only to the true balances for 6 months. At the conclusion of 6 months, my bank fees paid were: $298.54 or 83% and total payments toward the balance was $61.46 or 17%. Now once I compared my figures to yours on page 5, I did not feel so bad, and realized a personal victory. There was a difference of only $4.54 between your figures and mine. The lesson showed me and taught me how much money I actually pay to the banks and how very little actually goes toward the overall balance. Thank you. I was introduced to your web site from “Dollar Stretcher” about a year ago and found it very interesting. How about a topic for future consideration: “How to Select a Credit Counselor.” Just a suggestion. Thanks for your help. I don’t normally write such long E-mail messages. Keep up the great work!!”
—Jay Collins, Rowland Heights, CA

“I was happy to receive my first copy of your magazine…I hope that you are successful. You are providing a great service to many people like myself who have too much debt. Be ready!”
—E.C., Mt Holly, NJ

“Saved $35 the day I read this book! I now know how to deal with banks, and their annual fees. I never knew there is no need to pay the annual fee for a credit card. When I read how I need not pay fees, I used it that very day, and saved $35. Now I save the annual fee on all my cards. This alone makes the book worth reading. There are many other money saving techniques in this book. Ways to save on interest payments; ways to reduce your debt; ways to have a “nest egg” available whenever you need it. This book is a great investment. The first day I read this book, I received a 175% return on my investment.”
—Robert Gamble, NJ

“Helpful, and innovative. Buying Scott’s book can help anyone. A wise choice and well thought out and written.”
—Julia Cohen from NYC

“BTW, last night I was in the middle of writing our Business Plan and got stuck trying to write a spreadsheet that would calculate a loan amortization. I was really tired and not happy about learning all the functions it would involve and then checking my work with the Quicken loan calculator. Then it dawned on me that if I went to Yahoo and typed in “excel loan amortization” I would probably find someone who had already invented this particular wheel. Well, wuddaya know? There you were, with exactly what I needed, and to top it all off, IT WAS FREE! I can’t thank you enough and I’m really looking forward to getting the book. :-)”
—Douglas Gibbens Ecopax International, Inc., ecopax.com

“I just found your site on the recommendation of the Dollar Stretcher newsletter, and wanted to tell you how refreshing your viewpoints are! When everyone one in the media is screaming ‘invest, invest’, it’s good to see a voice of reason advocating the first step of real investing – saving/investing in oneself.”
—G. Krause

“Your article was fabulous regarding the bi-weekly mortgage payments, companies really try to force them on you. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to receiving your magazine.”
—Laura Batte, Portfolio Manager

“Yes, my debt is in better shape today thanks to your book. I have obtained a 9% fixed rate and consolidated my high interest credit cards. I am using just one credit card and got them to reduce the interest rate from 19% to 13%. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you again.”
—Greg Oradat, IN

“Carrying a sizeable credit card debt often feels like the monetary equivalent of sin…Until now, that is. With a concise and blessedly unmoralistic tone…Scott Bilker sets forth a realistic and comprehensive approach to keeping your credit card debts in hand….There are other surprises and reverses of conventional wisdom in this timely book, which could be the best investment you could ever make in reining in those sinful credit card balances.”
—D. Patrick Miller, Fearless Books (view all comments)

“Your talk on The Morning Buzz in NH yesterday was great!! I’m printing the e-book right now….I have never been so excited about debt! You got me all wound up yesterday! I could not have heard about this at a better time. When I tuned in yesterday morning, I thought ‘there is a God’! I’m serious! ”
—Melanie Bisson

“First let me say that for me having the option of the pdf format book was an excellent way to save money. I wish that more people would make their literature available in this manner. I did end up printing the book and putting it in a three ring binder, but only so that I would be able to make some notes and comments in the margin. As far as the content of the book…I found it very easy to read and follow because I understood the format….In short, congratulations on putting together a very clear and easy to read and follow introduction ‘text book’ on Credit Management….Well done.”
—Dave Mullins, Electronics Engineer

“Set up by Scott Bilker, the author of Credit Card and Debt Management, this site features financial news and tips on how to budget to pay off significant debt…at its core, DebtSmart.com provides some good advice for people who need basic credit help.”
Access Internet Magazine (accessmagazine.com)

“It gets to the point. I have looked around for a book with simple and candid explanations on how to use credit cards. Bilker’s format is great. The examples can easily be applied to your next credit purchase so you can save money. I am going to buy a few copies for some of relatives and friends.”
—Lewis M. Cruz, University of Houston, chemical engineering student

“I recommend this book, only if you want to become a master of your credit cards, not a slave to them…It is easy to read and very detailed and concise…It’s amazing the amount of time I will be able to save just filing away the bills faster using Bilker’s system.”
—Sue Seppo, Staff Writer, theWhiz.com (view all comments)

“I have found the book very informative and well written. Thank you for making this information easily understandable.”
—Michael Flowers

“Very good, very informative book, a great book to go through your debt A to Z to help yourself get out of debt before you need to see a lawyer…Credit Card and Debt Management, it’s a great book on everything that has to do with charge cards from credit card and debt management to choosing a charge card to fees
—everything!But what’s interesting, what popped out to me, is that your book gave me all the information that I was never able to find.”—James J. Burns, C.F.P. (Certified Financial Planner) host of The Extra Help Channel’s In the Money

“We’ve discussed this (credit cards and debt) before on It’s Your Money, and in the many articles and publications that come across my desk, I found one that I thought was particularly appropriate for us to discuss. The name of the book is Credit Card and Debt Management. The author is Scott Bilker. And Scott Bilker has put together a book that not only explains the problems that you can get into but with all kinds of charts and graphs that you can easily fill out. You can work your way out of debt following the instructions carefully laid out by Scott Bilker. This is a $19.95 value friends and let me tell you something, that is not a very high price for the terrific guidance you’re going to get from this book. I’m plugging this book…because I think it can help thousands upon thousands, if not millions, of people who are up to their eyeballs in debt and need some guidance in how to get out of it.”—Dr. Bill Bailey, host of Talk America Radio’s It’s Your Money, heard nationally on more than 360 radio stations and on the Internet.

“Learn different solutions to solving your debt problems.”

“An excellent resource in gaining control of revolving debt.”

“I started using Scott Bilker’s tools for debt management 18 months ago. His book helped me to take charge of my finances with credit cards as my #1 resource. Thank you Scott!! I finally feel on top of my money management!!!!!!!”
—Joe DiBiase, Owner of Coastal Pest Control, Long Branch, NJ

“When debt slams you in the face, it can be as disorienting as running headlong into a telephone pole. And worse, consumer debt is often unexpected, since many people don’t know they’ve overextended themselves until it’s too late. That’s where Scott Bilker comes in. His paperback book (which looks more like a seminar workbook or manual) is a prudent first step to assessing debt and then stopping it. Credit Card and Debt Management is just over 100 pages. Bilker offers 13 chapters of various interest to the debt-laden consumer, including sections on credit solutions, math and money, and paying bills. There’s even a section on “Bad Advice.” Bilker puts a heavy emphasis on learning how to do math and perform calculation, so you understand exactly what’s going on. He also offers suggestions on how to organize your bills and take advantage of special credit offers. Bilker’s most important contribution with this book is educating consumers on how to get the most for your money, and what NOT to do if you seek to save bundles on the those evil APR’s.”
—LM, HERO magazine

“In Credit Card and Debt Management, Scott Bilker shows how simple it is to lower your monthly payments by applying step-by-step methods to fully analyze your debt and make decisions that can save you money. Credit Card and Debt Management shows how to save money on finance charges, compare credit-card offers, utilize your best available credit options, calculate loan payments, pay bills on time, and master the financial techniques and disciplines that will emancipate you from the stress of indebtedness for the rest of your life.”

“I teach negotiation at the University of Miami…Alternative Dispute Resolution. I’m using this article (actually two of yours) to illustrate the problem of why people don’t negotiate more. I liked the way that the article was very easy to read and descriptive of exactly how one could try to get a better rate.”
—Clark Freshman, Professor, University of Miami School of Law

“…you can be sure that if I recommend it, this book contains easy-to-understand and has fairly painless instructions for everything having to do with credit-card debt…”
—Mary Hunt, National columnist and author Mary Hunt’s Debt-Proof Living and  Cheapskate Monthly (view all comments)

“Millions of Americans have, or have had, difficulties with credit cards. Here is a book for anyone who has had such difficulties or who wants to avoid them. Scott Bilker’s Credit Card and Debt Management is an informative and easy-to-read guide to keeping credit cards and debt under control. Bilker’s book takes the reader through an understanding of credit problems and practical systematic approaches to their resolution. Text is supported by graphics, tables, and blank worksheets. The author is not an accountant but an engineer, and he uses more of an engineer’s problem-to-solution approach than an accountant’s bookkeeping one. And, unlike many engineers, Bilker writes as if he is writing for the layperson (which he is doing) rather than for engineers, scientists, and technicians. Bilker introduces the reader to ‘Credit Card Graveyard’ (p 21), ‘APR’ (annual percentage rate) (p 42), and other relevant nomenclature. He offers mathematical approaches that should be familiar to anyone with a background in arithmetic and introductory algebra
—no need for calculus here. In short, he offers what I would consider to be an excellent book to help people meet a very important need in their lives and at a reasonably modest price: Credit Card and Debt Management. It may be the best thing to come out of Barnegat since Perrine’s sneakbox boat.”
—Harry Hyde Jr., Managing Editor, VALLEY VOICE

“From reorganizing personal debt and saving money on interest payments to understanding savvy credit usage and money management skills, Bilker provides many excellent tips on credit cards. This is the perfect book to give to a young adult or to someone in their 20s just beginning to understand how debt works.”

“This book is so helpful to me. I borrowed it from the library twice and then said, ‘I have to buy this!’ I use it as a reference. It makes me feel smart. It guides me through purchases. It tells me everything about how to manage my money. It’s AWESOME (Credit Card and Debt Management)! It’s my money management bible.”
—Ann Marie Yorke, Bayville, NJ

“Recently I used your book, Credit Card and Debt Management, by Scott Bilker, as a reference book for a speech I was making for Speech Class. I would like for Mr. Bilker to know how refreshing it was for me to pick up a book and be able to grasp the concepts without taking 25 courses in higher finance. The book offered quite clearly many topics I have longed to know, but didn’t know how or where to learn them, and I just never found the time to devise methods for myself. So, thank you, for presenting a workable plan for caring for our personal money management.”
—Carol F. Peck, Germantown, OH

“An excellent and informative work. It provides an easy-to-follow plan…The abundance of useful information make it (Credit Card and Debt Management) well worth the investment.”
—Alan E. Cooke, Manager and Debt-Free Living instructor (view all comments)

Credit Card and Debt Management, by Scott Bilker, explains how to reduce debt, get the best credit card deals, determine true loan interest rates and calculate how much you can afford to borrow.”

Credit Card and Debt Management by Scott Bilker…it’s smart, it’s got everything you need to know, you’re going to save yourself from all kinds of aggravation and trouble. It’s all lined up, it is easy to read, there are a million angles, and they’re all for real, you won’t have any trouble with it except you’ll probably not have any trouble with credit or with debts.”—Dorie Lenz, host of WPHL-TV’s (WB 17) Community Close Up

“This book provides many good tips in using credit cards, including reorganizing personal debt, saving money on interest payments, understanding credit usage, and creating money management skills. It is a good source for young adults or others starting to understand debt.”
—Lara Ceresko, Student at University of Texas at Austin

“It looks like it’s easy…to follow. The workbook pages are clear and concise.”
—Kathy Scott, Host of KGDC AM Live, KGDC radio, Walla Walla, WA

“I enjoyed reading your book very much
—it did help me in various ways to save money on my credit card and loan charges. I heard about your book through a friend of mine a few months after I took out a loan, and I purchased it online through Amazon.com. I got stuck with this personal loan ($5900) with a whopping APR of 33.81% (gasp!) a couple of months ago, and now, thanks to your helpful tips, I am able to transfer the remaining balance to my credit card after being able to increase its limit and lower the APR. I make monthly payments in the amount of $223. Basically, if I pay off the entire loan in the time allotted (48 months), I will end up paying almost $5000 in interest charges alone!! Can you believe these people?! When I found out I could transfer the amount to my now low-rate, high-limit credit card, I was really thrilled, and I have you to thank for that. Thanks very much for your help. I look forward to reading more of you books and articles. Take care…keep up the good work.”
—Shannon, Amazon.com customer

“If you have debts today, you do need to manage them. And this book can help you accomplish that goal.”
—Gary Foreman, THE DOLLAR STRETCHER (view all comments)

“Very good down-to-earth ideas. Very easy to follow
—well thought out…liked the whole book. Gave me new ideas on how to use credit cards and manage home finances.”
—Mark M. Hedge, Transportation Manager (KY)

“This is the most helpful and useful book I have ever come across. It’s the only book that actually gives you answers. It has helped me to control my spending and to consolidate and pay off my debt. It helped me by setting up a plan. I feel that every one should read it before acquiring any credit debt. Every newlywed couple should get one (book) as a gift. It’s definitely worth the $19.95!”
—Dori Maccagnano, Teacher (NJ)

“If you ask single Americans in their 20s or early 30s what their biggest financial worry is, most will probably answer credit card debt. Bilker shows them the formulas for digging out of the credit-card hole-methodically, systematically, and with a minimum of confusion. Surprises abound, including Bilker’s advice against cutting up one’s credit cards–after all, one may need that credit line in case of emergency…If used correctly, this book could be a big help to those experiencing a rather common burden.”
BOOKLIST (American Library Association)

“It (Credit Card and Debt Management) is easily understood-very helpful-it explains the parts I didn’t understand and couldn’t figure out for myself. It helped me calculate the monthly payments needed to clear off the debt sooner.”
—Esther Boivin (retired)

“…the chapter that I found most interesting was…’Bad Advice,’ in which Mr. Bilker questions all that conventional wisdom about debt we read day after day in the financial media.”

“Very useful to me (Credit Card and Debt Management)…it is simple to understand!”
—William Sabin, Credit Counselor (retired)

“Have you ever noticed that every time you get motivated and pay off your credit cards that, before you know it, you’ve begun using them again and you’re back where you started? Credit cards have their advantages, but some people can’t seem to handle them without getting in over their heads. Bilker’s book is geared to help people understand how to handle their debts and keep their spending under control. Bilker, an engineer, not a financier, gives a concise, perceptive spin on a problem that affects many of us.”
—Faye M. Dasen, THE PILOT

“For anyone who owes their soul to the company store.”
The New Bookpaper

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“GOOD READING: There are a ton of financial advice books on the market. One you might wish to check out is Credit Card and Debt Management by Scott Bilker ($19.95, Press One Publishing).The book offers good tips for saving money in dealing with credit. It explains how paying more than the minimum payment affects your loans, how to interpret payment terms on credit cards and helps you work out a payment plan to be debt-free faster. Amortization tables are at the back of the book, making it easy for you to calculate loan payoffs or loan costs at various rates and time periods.”—Larry A. Strauss (Business Columnist) NEWS-PRESS

“Lots of helpful hints!”
—Debbie Cohen

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