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Friday, February 7, 2025   
Articles written by Gerri Detweiler
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Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights! Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights!
by Gerri Detweiler
With the ongoing credit crisis, a lot of people are getting calls from debt collectors. Most of these collectors are merely trying to do their job, but there are some among them who are so money-hungry (in many cases motivated by bonuses and commissions) that they will go so far as to violate the regulations of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. As a result, complaints against debt collectors are on the increase according to the Better Business Bureau and federal regulators. The FTC reported that it received more complaints I 2007 about debt collectors than in reference to any other industry. These are the top complaints received about debt collectors by the FTC in 2007...
8 Ways to Consolidate Debt 8 Ways to Consolidate Debt
by Gerri Detweiler
Next to winning the lottery, a debt consolidation loan is a debtor's dream. With one monthly payment and a fixed monthly payment schedule, you can actually see an end to those monthly payments. In reality, consolidating bills isn't always easy. If you have a lot of debt, it can be hard to find a consolidation loan at a lower interest rate. And if you're not careful, you can end up deeper in debt than when you started.
6 Steps to Better Credit 6 Steps to Better Credit
by Gerri Detweiler
If you are resolving to hop off that debt treadmill or get your credit in order in 2006, here are my tips to help you succeed: 1. Review your statements: If you have run up larger balances than usual, your credit score may take a dip after the holidays. And that could trigger an increase in your interest rate on your major credit cards. Check your statements to confirm your rate. If it's higher than you think you deserve...
ALERT: Credit Reporting Agency Study Underway (Let Yourself be Heard!) ALERT: Credit Reporting Agency Study Underway (Let Yourself be Heard!)
by Gerri Detweiler
Have you disputed an item on your credit report with a lender or credit bureau? If you've found the process frustrating or difficult, now is your chance to speak up!
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