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Articles about "Video"
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Credit Cards for College Students Video Credit Cards for College Students Video
by kk shield
Very well done video that warns college students about credit cards. This humorous look at how some students may view credit teaches practical lessons that are worthy of college credits.
Debt Trap Debt Trap
Debt: The next big American crisis? Instead of accumulating wealth, many falling further behind on payments. Dateline looks into a fundamental economic problem: the debt epidemic. Chriss Snyder has $25,000 dollars in credit card debt that she's trying to get under control. She describes a potential trap that could cost you big money. The economy is in freefall and no one's sure where rock bottom is. And as the mortgage crisis and mounting job losses melt away the American dream, another fundamental economic problem is being exposed: America's debt epidemic.
There is only one truly free report site There is only one truly free report site
by Federal Trade Commission
Anyone can dance a jig, but only the FTC provides you with a truly free credit report. It’s the only authorized source to get your free credit report under federal law. Anyone can write a catchy jingle, but only the FTC provides you with a truly free credit report. It’s the only authorized source to get your free credit report under federal law.
Fraud Alerts and Fraud Freezes Fraud Alerts and Fraud Freezes
by Andy Jolls
An alert places a statement on your credit report so that if a fraudster attempts to obtain credit in your name, the creditor, in checking your credit, will encounter a statement that says something to this effect: “I may be a victim of fraud. Call me at my phone number before extending credit.” By calling you, the creditor ensures more security.
"We the people..." of Debt
by IOUSA The Movie
Wake up, America! We're on the brink of a financial meltdown. I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens. Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions.
Barack Obama talks about credit cards Barack Obama talks about credit cards
by Barack Obama
It’s getting close to the time we have to choose a new President. How they plan to deal with credit card banks and their lending practices needs to be part of their platform. Here is Barack Obama continued his Change that Works for You tour, talking about predatory lending, in Chicago IL.
Used Car Buying Tips Used Car Buying Tips
by ABC News
Buying a used car is almost always a difficult experience. You need to do plenty of research to be sure you're getting a good deal; you need to negotiate prices; you need to find the best financing, and so much more. Here are a few great tips to make that job a little easier.
Cloned credit cards are stealing you Cloned credit cards are stealing you
by ABC News
Crooks can easily copy the information from the magnetic strip of your credit card. It is a simple process to take that stolen data and create another credit card--a clone card. The cloned card functions exactly like the original card allowing thieves to buy what they want or empty your bank account. Watch this ABC news video to see exactly how easy this is to do and why you need to be extremely careful when letting others handle your cards.
Family Fights Bank to Keep Home Family Fights Bank to Keep Home
by ABC News
Amid charges of banking violations, one NY family turns foreclosure around.
The Ultimate Cheapskate The Ultimate Cheapskate
by Matt Lauer
Jeff Yeager is the ultimate cheapskate, and the author of, The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches: A Practical (and Fun) Guide to Enjoying Life More by Spending Less. Jeff is quite an incredible guy. He knows how to cut back on spending--bigtime! To save money he'll filch almost anything, even airline barf bags.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
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