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Articles about "Quizzes and Tests"
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Consumer Spending Quiz Consumer Spending Quiz
by Richard Crammer
Have you ever wondered if what you spend on food is higher than the average family? How about how much you spend on housing, clothing, or entertainment? The Bureau of Labor Statistics annually reports the spending habits of consumers in the US. Most of the answers from this quiz were taken from this report. So, if you are curious about how much you spend compared to the national average take the quiz.
DebtSmartŪ Financial Compatibility Test DebtSmartŪ Financial Compatibility Test
by Scott Bilker
It is well known that money is the #1 reason for divorce! Money is very important in your relationship. It's the blood that flows through the financial veins of the family. If there is a problem with its flow, everyone in the family will suffer! Take this test with your spouse/partner to see how compatible your philosophies and monetary strategies are when dealing with money and debt!
SCORE KEY: DebtSmartŪ Financial Compatibility Test SCORE KEY: DebtSmartŪ Financial Compatibility Test
by Scott Bilker
Not all the questions have the same score value. Therefore, the scores are weighted on each question according to their importance. Some responses may take points away from your score (negative scores).
Home Equity Scams Quiz Home Equity Scams Quiz
by Richard Crammer
While many subprime lenders are reputable, some unscrupulous subprime lenders make costly home-secured loans to consumers who are unable to repay them, subjecting such consumers to refinancing with additional high or unfair fees and charges and possible loss of their homes through foreclosure or forcing an undesired sale. Take the quiz to test your knowledge of Home-Equity Scams.
Credit Repair and Reporting Quiz Credit Repair and Reporting Quiz
by Richard Crammer
Credit Repair Scams abound today. Every time you turn on the TV or read a newspaper it seems that someone is promising to improve your credit rating. Take this quiz to improve your awareness of credit repair scams, and don't get ripped off.
Thanksgiving Quiz Thanksgiving Quiz
by Richard Crammer
Test your knowledge of this favorite American holiday!
General Credit Card Knowledge Quiz General Credit Card Knowledge Quiz
by Scott Bilker
We all use credit everyday and it's important to know the basics of handling our debt to ensure that we're always getting the best deal. Take the quiz to check your personal plastic awareness level!
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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