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Articles about "Video Library"
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Refinancing your mortgage Refinancing your mortgage
by Scott Bilker
[HIGH SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: You should always be thinking about refinancing because your mortgage is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make. Notice that I didn't say your house was the most expensive purchase. That's because when you took a mortgage you purchased that money to pay for the house. The purchase of that money is paid by the interest charges.
Refinancing your mortgage Refinancing your mortgage
by Scott Bilker
[DIAL-UP SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: You should always be thinking about refinancing because your mortgage is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make. Notice that I didn't say your house was the most expensive purchase. That's because when you took a mortgage you purchased that money to pay for the house. The purchase of that money is paid by the interest charges.
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt 5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt
by Scott Bilker
[DIAL-UP SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: Between Thanksgiving and Christmas people are going to spend $121.4 billion using their credit cards! How are you going to pay for the gifts? Credit cards of course! I'm sure many people are going to criticize me for even suggesting such an idea.
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt 5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt
by Scott Bilker
[HIGH SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: Between Thanksgiving and Christmas people are going to spend $121.4 billion using their credit cards! How are you going to pay for the gifts? Credit cards of course! I'm sure many people are going to criticize me for even suggesting such an idea.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
<Photos and Video>
CNN: American Morning
<Photos and Video>
ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
<Photos and Video>
<See all Television Interviews>

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