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Tuesday, October 22, 2024   
Articles written by Gary Foreman
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Unavailable Credit Unavailable Credit
by Gary Foreman
When I was young, one of the things that was most likely to cause a fight was when someone changed the rules in the middle of the game. Generally someone else was a victim of the new rule and wasn't too happy about it. Fortunately, it was just childish stuff. Even if there was a fight, everyone would make up the next day.
Someone to Pay My Credit Card Bills? Someone to Pay My Credit Card Bills?
by Gary Foreman
It doesn't take a genius to notice that our financial circumstances have changed in the last few years. But, it does take some thought to recognize which strategies are still sound and which ones need to be changed. Today we're going to talk about one that may need to be changed depending on your circumstances.
My Son's Auto Loan My Son's Auto Loan
by Gary Foreman
Gary, I brought a car under my name for my son. After 4 months of payments now he says he can't afford it. There are 6 years on the car loan. Is there anything that can be done. I can't keep the car. I have a car loan myself. How do I get out of the loan? Donna
How to Cancel PMI How to Cancel PMI
by Gary Foreman
Gary, I have a problem with my PMI. I have contacted the mortgage company on four different occasions to talk about canceling it. I want the extra money to start paying down the mortgage. On call one I was told it was going to automatically drop that same month so I did nothing. When several months had passed I called again. Is this normal or am I just being BS'd again. I had read for a long time how difficult it is to get them to drop PMI. Now I know what they mean. What can I do to get it dropped? Are there any rules, laws or governing bodies I can talk to about this constant run around? Keith
Credit Card Fee Increases Credit Card Fee Increases
by Gary Foreman
Gary, This month on our two credit card statements are notices informing us that as of Oct. 1st we may be charged "more than two" late fees or over the limit fees" per month. What's going on? Gwen
Just Say 'No' Just Say 'No'
by Gary Foreman
Many of us are old enough to remember Nancy Reagan's campaign against drugs. To this day I can still remember the slogan: just say 'no' to drugs. It clearly explained the goal with a simple to understand message. Saying 'no' could help you avoid pain and make your life better.
Adults Living With Parents Adults Living With Parents
by Gary Foreman
Experts estimate that one third of all singles in their 20's still live with their parents. Today I answer a question from a mother who's going under trying to support herself, her minor child, two adult children and a baby. The article looks at both the financial and emotional aspects of the situation. It runs 833 words and is copied below.
Terminating automatic bills Terminating automatic bills
by Gary Foreman
I requested that my credit card account be closed in June. In November I received a bill for $110 for automated charges that go through once a year. The credit card company said that it was my responsibility to request that these charges stop going through. The problem is that I can't get through to these companies to have these charges stopped. I had actually requested that one of these companies stop charging my card and they did not.
Credit Card Minimum Payments Credit Card Minimum Payments
by Gary Foreman
Gary, A couple of months ago I read an article about getting finances under control. According to the article, you can double the minimum monthly payment on a revolving charge and that account will be paid in full in 36 months regardless of the amount. How could that be possible? Especially considering how "minimum" most minimum monthly payments are. Gail E.
Should I declare bankruptcy? Should I declare bankruptcy?
by Gary Foreman
Gary, My husband and I got married quite young, made some unwise financial decisions and ended up in debt (some credit card, some personal loans) with a grand total of $24,000. After many years of trying we feel that we have no other choice but to file for bankruptcy. We honestly would like to do anything else but we feel that this is our only alternative. --Exhausted in Sudbury
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