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Articles about "Credit Reports"
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There is only one truly free report site There is only one truly free report site
by Federal Trade Commission
Anyone can dance a jig, but only the FTC provides you with a truly free credit report. It’s the only authorized source to get your free credit report under federal law. Anyone can write a catchy jingle, but only the FTC provides you with a truly free credit report. It’s the only authorized source to get your free credit report under federal law.
Fraud Alerts and Fraud Freezes Fraud Alerts and Fraud Freezes
by Andy Jolls
An alert places a statement on your credit report so that if a fraudster attempts to obtain credit in your name, the creditor, in checking your credit, will encounter a statement that says something to this effect: “I may be a victim of fraud. Call me at my phone number before extending credit.” By calling you, the creditor ensures more security.
Rate jacked-up to 21.99 percent Rate jacked-up to 21.99 percent
by Scott Bilker
Last week my Bank of America American Express card took a major rate increase. I had a fixed 7.99% rate which I enjoyed for two years. I carried a high balance on this card because I purchased a nice motorcycle with it two years ago. My rate went from 7.99% up to 21.99%. No late payments to them or anybody else.
Three Reasons You Should NEVER Own a Debit Card Three Reasons You Should NEVER Own a Debit Card
by Scott Bilker
Debit cards have become a very popular way to pay for everything from fast food to rental cars. The Federal Reserve reports that debit card transactions have been growing more than 20 percent annually and have surpassed credit card transactions.
New FICO Score is bad news for millions of Americans New FICO Score is bad news for millions of Americans
by Mark Enderle
After this news broke that authorized user accounts with be removed from consideration in the new FICO 8 score, I have spoken with Fair Isaac, Experian, Evan Hendricks, Gerri Detweiler, and Julie Fergerson of Debix about this development. If this were adopted by the CRAs, this could negatively affect hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent and unsuspecting Americans, and that is something to be alarmed about.
The TRUTH About Credit Repair The TRUTH About Credit Repair
by Scott Bilker
Ads abound almost everywhere (online and off) selling books, systems and secrets to help you fix your credit in a hurry. Many of these programs have claims, which read like the covers of supermarket tabloids, "In 3 hours my credit score jumped from 580 to 676!"..."Erase bad credit and smash your debts with just 2 Magic Letters!"..."Create a completely new credit file in 24 hours!" Are these types of claims ALWAYS too good to be true? The answer is "Yes and...no."
Is your credit score costing you a fortune? Is your credit score costing you a fortune?
by Scott Bilker
While some surveys show that 9 out of 10 consumers are unaware what their credit score is, I'd like to quickly share with you how your credit score could be costing you a fortune…in more ways than you can imagine. We all know a low credit score will make everything in the world of finance more expensive because of higher interest rates from lenders due to being considered a greater credit risk.
Book Review: Book Review: "Credit Scores & Credit Reports"
by Scott Bilker
Your credit report is your financial résumé. Everyone is looking at it. From employers to landlords to creditors--even insurance agents. And they're judging you based on your report and score. A good report and score can mean saving thousand of dollars in interest, getting that apartment, and landing your dream job.
6 Steps to Better Credit 6 Steps to Better Credit
by Gerri Detweiler
If you are resolving to hop off that debt treadmill or get your credit in order in 2006, here are my tips to help you succeed: 1. Review your statements: If you have run up larger balances than usual, your credit score may take a dip after the holidays. And that could trigger an increase in your interest rate on your major credit cards. Check your statements to confirm your rate. If it's higher than you think you deserve...
Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores
by Scott Bilker
Hi, Scott, FICO scores seem like the king of the credit world, and the scoring system is so secret and counterintuitive that it's frightening to me to make ANY changes with my credit card "portfolio". I'm eager to pursue more of your advice, but am terrified of damaging my credit score (which is in the low-mid 700's)....Thanks again! Love your stuff. Judd
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