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Credit Card and Debt Statistics Database
by Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker is the author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, Credit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. He's also the founder of DebtSmart.com. More about and DebtSmart can be found in the online media kit.
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Consumer Bankruptcies as a Percentage of All Bankruptcies

In 1980 the percent of all consumer bankruptcy filings as a percentage of all filings was 86.81%. In 1990 the percentage was 91.72%. And in the year 2000 it was 97.17%.
        Categories:  Bankruptcy,Ratios
        Reporting Pub:  abiworld.org
        Reporting Date:  9/6/2001
        Article Title:  U.S. Bankruptcy Filings 1980-2000 (Business, Non-Business, Total)
        Article Author: 
        Pub's Source: 
        Source URL:  View details from source

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