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Saturday, February 8, 2025   
Radio/TV Interview List
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Scott Bilker's credit-card advice has been heard on more than 1,000 radio stations from coast-to-coast and in Canada (see list below).

“Truly a gem to find as a guest.”
—Robyn J., WSMN1590am

"Scott was a great guest & a great interview...I am looking forward to having him back on the show. The interview was EXCELLENT-- definitely a hit with Mike and me. He was so well-informed--he really gave our callers some great advice. We had people on hold who were waiting to talk with him when he went off air! It was a great show--thanks so much!" 
—Anna Cohen, Producer, The Mike Show, Business Talk Radio

What the media is saying...
  · Sample Interview Questions

12/29/09 KWAM, Memphis, TN
One for the Money, w/Mike Stein

4/9/09 WDGJ-AM, Albany, NY
Pietrafesa Show, w/Tony Pietrafesa

2/12/09 WTBN, Tampa, FL
Drivetime with Bill Bunkley, w/Bill Carl & Mike

1/4/09 WDTK, Detroit, MI
The Rick Bloom Show w/Rick Bloom

12/23/08 NPR (National Public Radio)
Tell Me More w/Cheryl Corley sitting in for Michel Martin
[Listen to this interview]

12/20/08 CNN New York, NY
CNN Newsroom, w/Fredricka Whitfield & Josh Levs
[See photos and video]

10/14/08 BizRadio Network
The Wall Street Shuffle, w/Dan Cofall
[Listen to Part 1] [Listen to Part 2]

7/11/08 Marketplace Public Radio (365 Stations in USA)
Marketplace Money, w/Jeff Tyler
[See Transcript at Marketplace] [Listen to show at Marketplace]

5/30/08 NBC-TV KARK, AR
Money Matters, w/Stacy Johnson
[See photos and video]

5/21/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

5/7/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

4/30/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

3/31/08 ABC-TV Philadelphia, PA
Action News, w/Naydia Han
[Watch video at ABC] [See photos and video]

3/19/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

3/5/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

2/20/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

2/16/08 WIMS Michigan City, IN
Your Credit, Your Life w/Scott Swinford

2/13/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

2/6/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

1/16/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

1/9/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

1/3/08 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

12/12/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

12/8/07 WVOC, Columbia, SC
The Kevin Skipper Show w/Kevin Skipper

12/2/07 WDTK, Detroit, MI
The Rick Bloom Show w/Rick Bloom

11/28/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

12/2/07 WWKB Buffalo, NY
Your Money Matters w/Marc Pearlman

[Listen to this interview]

11/21/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

11/14/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

10/31/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

10/17/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

10/13/07 WTDY Madison, WI
Your Home, Your Money w/Bill Quigley & Art Blanchet
[Listen to this interview]

10/3/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

9/26/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Reba Toney

9/25/07 KYW-TV (CBS), Philadelphia, PA
3 On Your Side w/Jim Donovan

9/15/07 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

9/12/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Heather Martinez

9/11/07 KTRH Houston, TX
KTRH Morning News w/Lana Hughes & J.P. Pritchard

9/5/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Heather Martinez

8/29/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Lisa Williams

8/25/07 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

8/22/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bruce & Jenn

8/15/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

8/8/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

8/1/07 FOX 16 Little Rock, AR
Consumer Alert w/Kevin Kelly
[Read the story] [Watch the video]

8/1/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

7/31/07 Syndicated
The Right Balance w/Greg Allen

7/27/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

7/23/07 ABC-KLTV Jacksonville, TX
7 On Your Side w/Christine Nelson
[Read the story] [Watch the video]

7/20/07 NBC (TMJ4) Milwaukee WI
Special Assignment w/Vince Vitrano
[Read the story] [Watch the video]

7/19/07 CBS42 Austin, TX
Cover Story w/Judy Maggio
[See this interview]

7/18/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

7/17/07 CN8 New Castle, DE
Art Fennell Reports w/Gwen Owens
[See this interview]

7/17/07 WCBS-TV, New York, NY
Consumer Watch w/Kirstin Cole
[See this interview]

7/16/07 NewsThatPays.com, FL
Money Talks News w/Stacy Johnson
[See this interview]

7/11/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

7/6/07 KFSH Glendale, CA
The Family Friendly Morning Show w/Bobby Shaw & Jennifer York

7/4/07 ABC KGO-TV San Francisco, CA
7 On Your Side w/Pete Wilson
[See this interview]

6/28/07 TalkShoe TalkCast
The Secret w/Art Blanchet
[Listen to this interview]

5/27/07 WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, MN
CBS 4 News w/Jeanette Trompeter
[Watch this interview]

5/21/07 VoiceAmerica
The Money Answers Show w/Jordan Goodman
[Listen to this interview]

4/19/07 CBS-TV Chicago, IL
CBS 2 News w/Dorothy Tucker
[See this interview]

4/2/07 ABC-KLTV Jacksonville, TX
7 On Your Side w/Christine Nelson
[Read the story] [Watch the video]

3/30/07 CBS-TV Austin, TX
CBS 42 News Cover Story w/Judy Maggio
[See this interview]

3/30/07 KNX Los Angeles, CA
Money 101 w/Bob McCormick

3/28/07 NBC-TV Ft. Myers, FL
NBC 2 News w/Paul LaGrone
[See this interview]

3/26/07 KNX Los Angeles, CA
Money 101 w/Michael Linder

3/23/07 ABC KGO-TV San Francisco, CA
7 On Your Side w/Michael Finney
[See this interview]

3/17/07 WTDY Madison, WI
Your Home, Your Money w/Bill Quigley
[Listen to this interview]

3/15/07 KNEW San Francisco, CA
Your Financial Life w/Pat Vitucci

3/8/07 Syndicated
The Right Balance w/Greg Allen

2/3/07 WVOC, Columbia, SC
The Kevin Skipper Show w/Kevin Skipper

2/1/07 KGO, San Francisco, CA
KGO Morning News w/Ed Baxtor, Jennifer Jones, and Lynn Jimenez

11/30/06 Syndicated
The Right Balance w/Greg Allen

11/24/06 Syndicated
ABC Radio Network

11/11/06 WTDY Madison, WI
Your Home, Your Money w/Art Blanchet & Bill Quigley
[Listen to this interview]

6/11/06 WDTK, Detroit, MI
The Rick Bloom Show w/Rick Bloom

5/16/06 WCBS-TV, New York, NY
News at 11PM w/Kirstin Cole

3/30/06 WSJ Radio, Syndicated
The Wall Street Journal This Morning w/Gordon Deal

3/16/05 wsRadio.com, CA
Everyday Wealth w/Gerri Detweiler
[Listen to this interview]

1/6/06 CNN, New York, NY
American Morning w/Miles O'Brien & Soledad O'Brien

11/28/05 3 On Your Side (CBS), Philadelphia, PA
Debit vs. Credit w/Jim Donovan

11/25/04 NPR (National Public Radio)
Morning Edition w/Steve Inskeep & Renee Montagne
[Listen to this interview]

8/25/05 Today in NY (NBC), New York, NY
Kids & Credit w/Roseanne Colletti

8/11/05 wsRadio.com, CA
Everyday Wealth w/Gerri Detweiler
[Listen to this interview]

7/6/05 CKWR Waterloo, Ontario KW Magazine w/John Maciel

6/7/05 KVLI, Beaumont, TX
That’s the Bottom Line w/Todd Hickman & Gene Vallorani

5/3/05 New12 NJ, Edison, NJ
It's Your Money; It's Your Credit w/Tom Layson

4/15/05 WSJ Radio, Syndicated
The Wall Street Journal This Morning w/Michael Wallace

4/14/05 KXMB, Salt Lake City, UT
Mikey & Meredith w/Mikey & Meredith

2/23/05 NBC 10 News, Philadelphia, PA
Consumer Alert w/Tracy Davidson

2/23/05 NBC 6 News, Miami, FL
Consumer Connection w/Bob Mayer

1/6/05 wsRadio.com, CA
Everyday Wealth w/Gerri Detweiler
[Listen to this interview]

11/11/04 CNNfn, New York, NY
Your Money w/Ali Velshi

11/4/04 wsRadio.com, CA
Everyday Wealth w/Gerri Detweiler
[Listen to this interview]

10/30/04 Public Radio, SoundMoney.org
Educating Rico w/Kai Ryssdal
[Listen to this interview]

10/4/04 WSJ Radio, Syndicated
The Wall Street Journal This Morning w/Michael Wallace

9/22/04 WBIX, Boston, MA
Early Exchange w/Dave & Bonnie

9/9/04 WBIX, Boston, MA
Early Exchange w/Dave & Bonnie

7/13/04 CNNfn, New York, NY
Your Money w/Gerri Willis

6/21/04 CNNfn, New York, NY
Your Money w/Ali Velshi

6/15/04 KNX Radio, Los Angeles, CA
Morning News w/Dave Williams & Vicky Moore

6/8/04 NPR (National Public Radio)
Morning Edition w/Steve Inskeep & Renee Montagne
Listen to this interview

4/26/04 WSJ Radio, Syndicated
The Wall Street Journal This Morning w/Michael Wallace

4/1/04 WBIX, Boston, MA
Early Exchange w/Dave & Bonnie

3/13/04 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

3/6/04 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

2/28/04 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

2/21/04 WIBG Ocean City, NJ
Lifeworks w/Anthony Tort

1/5/04 CN8-TV Union, NJ
Real Life w/Mary Amoroso

9/24/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

9/15/03 WCRFM Wolverhampton, UK
Today w/Steve Willis

8/29/03 WERC Birmingham, AL
Birmingham’s Morning News w/Jay Holland

8/29/03 WKRC Cincinnati, OH
55KRC Morning Show w/Jerry & Craig

8/26/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

8/20/03 WZPL Indianapolis, IN
Smiley Morning Show w/Dave & KJ

8/8/03 FOX/UPN13-TV Los Angeles, CA
Smart Deals w/Kevin Brummond

7/24/03 FCCFree.com Scottsdale, AZ
w/John Miller

7/17/03 PJD5 Philipsberg St. Maarten
w/Bulldog & Melissa

6/25/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

6/25/03 WTAM Independence, OH
w/Bill Wills

6/23/03 WBZZ Pittsburgh, PA
The Morning Show w/Dave, Bubbe, Shelley, Brian, and Aimee

6/22/03 KITZ Port Orchard, WA

6/14/03 KOLE & KRCM Beaumont TX
That’s the Bottom Line w/Todd Hickman & Gene Vallorani

6/6/03 WOR New York, NY, 
The Dolans w/Ken and Daria Dolan

6/5/03 CBS News Radio, New York, NY, w/Lou Miliano

6/4/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

5/28/03 KRAV Tulsa, OK
Mike & Mandy in the Morning w/Mike Montana & Mandy Morgan

5/22/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

5/19/03 WKXL New London, NH
w/George Russell

5/14/03 WHTF Tallahassee, FL
w/Karson & Kennedy

5/8/03 KFTK St. Louis, MO
Jaco in the Morning w/Dana, Marc, & John

5/8/03 KUSJ Copperas Cove, TX
w/Gary, Doug, & Lisa

5/6/03 KLYV Dubuque, IA
w/Chris & Rachel

5/6/03 WFLA Tampa, FL
w/Jack, Ted, & Sharon

5/3/03 KOLE & KRCM Beaumont TX
That’s the Bottom Line w/Todd Hickman & Gene Vallorani

4/14/03 WSBA York, PA
York’s Morning News: New You w/Dennis & Ruth

4/8/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

3/28/03 WBIX Boston, MA
MoneyLife w/Chuck Jaffe

3/26/03 WENG Englewood, FL
Morning Magazine w/Scott Holcomb

3/18/03 WNOR Chesapeake, VA
w/Nikki Reed

3/12/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

3/7/03 wsRadio San Diego, CA
I Hate Debt w/Tom Allen

3/6/03 CBS-TV (WLTX) Columbia, SC
News 19 w/Curtis Wilson & Ainsley Earhardt 

3/4/03 CN8-TV Union, NJ
Real Life w/Mary Amoroso

3/3/03 WLAC Nashville, TN
w/Jennifer & Brian

2/28/03 WFTL West Palm Beach, FL
w/Tony & George

2/27/03 FCCFree.com Scottsdale, AZ
w/John Miller

2/26/03 WJSZ Owosso, MI
The Breakfast Club w/Jeff, Karina, & Dan

2/25/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

2/24/03 KZII Lubbock, TX
Chris & Dina in the Morning w/Chris & Dina

2/17/03 WFTL West Palm Beach, FL
w/Tony Marino

2/5/03 KBFM McAllen, TX
w/Toni Forina & Double J

1/30/03 KEXL Norfolk, NE
The Breakfast Call w/Jeffrey Steffen

1/29/03 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

1/23/03 WGXL Lebanon, NH
w/Chris & Pam

1/21/03 WMXJ Miami, FL
w/Rick & Donna

1/15/03 WMME Augusta, ME
w/Jon James & Renee

1/14/03 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life w/Mary Amoroso

1/14/03 MTRN Charlevoix, MI
w/Don Chiodo

1/14/03 WPBR Lake Worth, FL
WPBR Presents w/Steve

1/7/03 WAFG Ft. Lauderdale, FL
w/Uri Katz

1/7/03 WILN Panama City Beach, FL
w/Logan & Matt

1/7/03 WMGI Terre Haute, IN
w/Steve & Tara

1/6/03 KFIZ-AM Fon Du Lac, WI
Backstage Live w/Joe Scheibinger

1/2/03 CKOV Kelowna, BC, Canada
w/Dave Pears

12/30/02 KXPT Las Vegas, NV
w/The Byrd, Chris Foxx, & Steph

12/30/02 WMIL Milwaukee, WI
w/Karen Dalessandro

12/27/02 WHBY Appleton, WI
w/Mike & Kathy

12/27/02 WMGV New Bern, NC

12/26/02 WACD Antigo, WI

12/26/02 WTVY Dothan, AL
w/Jaime & Dakota

12/20/02 WXSR Tallahassee, FL
w/Meathead, Desi, & Yuck-mouth

12/19/02 WRCK Washington Mills, NY
w/Frank McBride & Gary Spears

12/19/02 KNUS Aurora, CO
w/Bill Jones

12/17/02 MTRN Charlevoix, MI
w/Don Chiodo

12/17/02 WCLT-AM Newark, OH
1430 WCLT Morning Show w/Kelly Bradshaw

12/17/02 WKSZ Appleton, WI
w/Mike Merryfield & Selina

12/17/02 WHOG Daytona Beach, FL, w/Frank & Tracey

12/16/02 WRWB Harrogat, TN
w/Tom Amis

12/13/02 WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, WI
w/Bill Beck

12/13/02 WAXS Mount Hope, WV
w/Paul Vanscott

12/13/02 WAIT Crystal Lake, IL
w/Clark Weber

12/12/02 WTAM Cleveland, OH
w/Bill Wills

12/12/02 WFGF Lima, OH
w/Pollywag & Tadpole

12/11/02 WSTU Port St. Lucie, FL
Money Matters w/Mike Melton

12/11/02 WWNR Beaver, WV
Wake Up Call w/Roy Jarrell

12/10/02 KGEE Midland, TX
w/Danny & Angel

12/9/02 KUQL Mitchell, SD
Maddy in the Morning w/Maddy Jones

12/9/02 KSYN Joplin, MI
w/Howie Black

12/6/02 KADI Springfield, MO
w/Rod Kittleman

12/6/02 WGBF-AM Evansville, IN
w/Eric Stone

12/5/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

12/5/02 WTKM Hartford, WI
w/Ron Krauss

12/5/02 WCUB Manitowoc, WI
w/Joe & Kyle

12/4/02 WLTO Lexington, KY
w/AJ McCloud

12/4/02 WWDM Columbia, SC
Curtis & Company in the Morning w/Curtis Wilson

12/3/02 WGMD Rehoboth Beach, DE
w/Ron Letterman

12/3/02 KGMG Tucson, AZ
The Tracee Tuesday Morning Show w/Tracee Tuesday

12/3/02 KCLH Lacrosse, WI
w/Todd & Chris

12/2/02 KDON Salinas, CA
The Morning Mad House w/Dennis, Rico, & Elisia

12/2/02 WKZY Gainsville, FL
w/Henry Hayes

11/29/02 KLPW Washington, MO
w/Karen Stratman 

11/29/02 KAZI Austin, TX
w/Steve Savage

11/27/02 WKPO Janesville, WI
w/Big Moon & Jennifer

11/26/02 KINA Salina, KS
w/Dave Foor

11/25/02 CHQR Calgary, AB, Canada
w/Bruce Kenyon

11/25/02 WGRR Cincinnati, OH
w/Rodney Lear

11/25/02 WRIT Bamberg, SC
w/Larry Colmer

11/22/02 KZII Lubbock, TX
Chris & Dina in the Morning w/Chris & Dina

11/21/02 WTRC Elkhart, IN
w/Traci, Bill, & Len

11/21/02 KAAA Bulhead City, AZ, w/Richard Kaffenberger

11/21/02 WKBN Youngstown, OH, w/Robert Mangino

10/24/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

10/22/02 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life w/Mary Amoroso 

10/22/02 CSTC White Rock, BC, Canada
Wake Up to Success w/Allan Hunkin 

10/22/02 WMGI Terre Haute, IN
w/Steve Smith

10/17/02 WLAP Lexington, KY
w/Tom & Dave

10/2/02 WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, WI
For the Record w/Bill Beck

10/2/02 KWTX-AM Waco, TX

9/25/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein 

9/24/02 WHOK Columbus, OH
w/Jim Hunter

9/13/02 Business Talk Radio, Syndicated out of Orlando, FL
The Mike Show w/Mike Schiano

9/12/02 WTGZ Auburn, AL
w/Steve Ocean

9/9/02 WBZN Brewer, ME
w/Cori Skall

9/9/02 WTPT Greenville, SC
Church & Myers w/Skip & Mike

9/3/02 KUWB-TV Murray, UT
w/Rich Bondaduce

8/30/02 XM-167 XM Radio
The Red Zone w/Red, Katie, & Jeff 

8/30/02 KPOP San Diego, CA
Breakfast with Bauer w/Joe Bauer & Jill Underwood

8/27/02 WWHP Farmer City, IL

8/23/02 CFAR Flin Flon, MB
w/Rob Hart

8/22/02 WEAA Baltimore, MD
The Morning Journey w/Sandi Mallory

8/21/02 WBZT West Palm Beach, FL
ABC Wealth Strategies Hour w/Dana

8/20/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein 

8/13/02 WFLM Port St. Lucie, FL
w/Michael James & Valerie

8/8/02 KSFM Sacramento, CA
w/ Davy D

8/7/02 WDDD Marion, IL
w/Wes & Tes

8/5/02 WPSL Port St. Lucie, FL
Money Matters w/Mike Melton

7/31/02 KEEZ Mankato, MN
w/Greg Travis 

7/31/02 WTIC-AM Hartford, CT
w/Ray & Diane

7/29/02 WAOK Atlanta, GA
w/Charles Ross

7/29/02 WKBN Youngstown, OH
w/Robert Mangino

7/18/02 KLVI Beaumont, TX
w/Don Brisco

6/26/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein 

6/25/02 WRDX Claymont, DE
w/Jake & Max

6/24/02 KGMG Tucson, AZ
w/James Revis

6/20/02 KROX Austin, TX
w/Trina & Drew

6/13/02 WAXY Miami, FL
The Nonsense Show w/Brian & Macah

6/13/02 WSRC Durham, NC
w/Richard Burton

6/12/02 KPEK Albuquerque, NM
w/Kit & Mike

6/11/02 WRVR Memphis, TN

6/11/02 WMGI Terre Haute, IN
w/Steve & Angie

6/7/02 WKWK Wheeling, WV
w/Jim Conner

6/6/02 MTRN Charlevoix, MI
w/Don Chiodo 

6/6/02 WMXJ Miami, FL
w/Rick & Donna 

6/6/02 WHAT Philadelphia, PA
Mornings with Mary w/Mary Mason

6/5/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein 

6/5/02 WKRC Cincinnati, OH
55KRC Morning Show w/Jerry & Craig

5/22/02 KFYR Bismarck, ND
w/John Rudy

5/14/02 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

5/14/02 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

4/17/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

4/12/02 WKNN Biloxi, MS
Gulf Coast Issues w/Kelly Bennett

4/11/02 KNBR San Francisco, CA
w/Dennis Cruz

4/10/02 Business Talk Radio, Syndicated out of Orlando, FL
The Mike Show w/Mike Schiano

4/10/02 KURV Edinburg, TX

4/10/02 KBUL-AM Billings, MT
w/Tom Brotten

3/27/02 KKST Alexandria, LA
w/Cindy B. Goode

3/25/02 KWYL Reno, NV
w/Budman & Booger

3/13/02 KFRX Lincoln, NE
w/Dawson, Craig, and Leann

3/12/02 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

2/28/02 WAOK Atlanta, GA
w/Charles Ross

5/02 KPSI Palm Springs, CA
w/Kid Corona

2/4/02 WCOO Charleston, NC
w/Linda Logan

1/31/02 KWBG Boone, IA
w/Ryan & Hedi

1/29/02 WERQ Baltimore, MD
The Big Phat Morning Show w/Marva, Troy, & Marc

1/29/02 WXZZ Lexington, KY
w/Jill Matheny, Sticky, & Freak Daddy

1/28/02 KUHL Santa Maria, CA
w/Ben & Brooke

1/23/02 CJRX Lethbridge, AB, Canada
w/Fraser & Rosie

1/22/02 WWCK Flint, MI 
w/Andrew Z. & Stephanie K.

1/21/02 CKDQ Drumheller, AB, Canada
w/Pete & Dan

1/17/02 WFBG Hollidaysburg, PA
Altoona Talk w/Rich Deleo

1/16/02 WDPT Dayton, OH

1/16/02 CKLQ Brandon, MB, Canada
w/Bill Turner 

1/16/02 WYYY Syracuse, NY
w/Pete & Brenda

1/15/02 KVOR Colorado Springs, CO
C.K. in the Morning w/C.K.

1/14/02 WFHN Fairhaven, MA
w/JR & Sharon

1/14/02 WDST Woodstock, NY
w/Greg & Company

1/11/02 KZII Lubbock, TX
w/Chris & Dina

1/7/02 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

1/3/02 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

1/2/02 KYON Paris, TX
w/Kat & Dave

12/27/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

12/27/01 KNSI St. Cloud, MN
w/Dan Ochsner

12/26/01 KGAB Cheyenne, WY
The Morning Zone w/Joe & Amy

12/26/01 WAAM Ann Arbor, MI
w/Dave Pekral

12/22/01 CKLW Windsor, ON, Canada
w/Mike Kakuk

12/19/01 WZLX Boston, MA
Common Ground w/Lauren Verge

12/19/01 KVOX Fargo, ND
w/Splash Gordon, Hoppy, and Ann

12/12/01 CJTN Belleville, ON, Canada w/Rick Kevan

12/11/01 CFJR Brockville, ON, Canada
w/Bruce Wylie

12/10/01 KDES Palm Springs, CA w/Dave Acosta

12/03/01 KERN-AM Bakersfield, CA

12/3/01 WGTZ Dayton, OH
w/Kim & Campy

11/30/01 CFPL-AM London, ON, Canada
w/Loreen Dickson

11/29/01 WDJR Dothan, AL
w/Brett & Jerry

11/29/01 KURR Salt Lake City, UT
w/Mick & Chad

11/28/01 WVMI Biloxi, MS
w/Kevin Cruise

11/28/01 KGAB Cheyenne, WY
w/Dave & Amy

11/27/01 WMJJ Birmingham, AL
w/Lisa Mason & John Stewart

11/21/01 XM-RADIO Washington, DC w/Mark Thompson

11/21/01 MTRN Charlevoix, MI

11/21/01 WWZD Tupelo, MS
w/Paul & Kelly

11/21/01 WGAR Cleveland, OH
w/Jim Mantel & John

11/20/01 KMED Medford, OR
w/Bill & Paul

11/16/01 CHML Hamilton, ON, Canada
w/Maryellen Beninger

11/13/01 Business Talk Radio, Syndicated out of Orlando, FL
The Mike Show w/Mike Schiano

11/13/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

10/26/01 Business Talk Radio, Syndicated out of Orlando, FL
The Mike Show w/Mike Schiano

10/24/01 KECH Ketchum, ID
w/Lenny Joseph

10/15/01 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

10/4/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

10/4/01 KAGG, Bryan, TX

9/11/01 WTGZ Auburn, AL
w/Steve Ocean

9/6/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

9/6/01 WJLW Green Bay, WI

8/31/01 KFIZ-AM Fon Du Lac
Backstage Live w/Joe Scheibinger

8/23/01 KERN-AM Bakersfield, CA

8/20/01 WKML Fayetteville, NC
w/Don Chase

8/16/01 MTRN Charlevoix, MI
Michigan Weekend w/Laurie & Norm

8/14/01 KCQQ Davenport, IA
w/Dwyer & Michael

8/10/01 KINA Salina, KS
w/Dave Foor

8/8/01 KAAA Kingman, AZ
w/Richard Kaffenberger

8/6/01 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

7/24/01 KVOR Colorado Springs, CO
C.K. in the Morning w/C.K.

7/10/01 WFDF Flint, MI 
Wake Up Call w/Jim Ellis

7/3/01 WFBG Hollidaysburg, PA Altoona Talk w/Rich Deleo

7/3/01 WVNN Athens, AL 
w/Peter Thiele

6/27/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

6/19/01 KCSJ Pueblo, CO
Pueblo Today w/Eric

6/19/01 WLSY Louisville, KY
w/Fred North

6/13/01 WWPR Bradenton, FL

6/12/01 WMGI Terre Haute, IN
w/Steve & Angie

6/7/01 KERN-AM Bakersfield, CA

6/7/01 KVMI West Fargo, ND
w/Ben & Jim

6/5/01 KLIN Lincoln, NE
w/John Stevensberry

6/5/01 KINA Salina, KS
w/Dave Foor

6/5/01 WTGZ Auburn, AL
w/Steve Ocean

6/1/01 KEZZ Estes Park, CO
w/Kristie Welborn

5/23/01 WXYK Gulfport, MS
w/Scotty & MJ

5/21/01 WVJS Owensboro, KY
Woman to Woman w/Karen Heath

5/17/01 MOJO Toronto, ON, Canada w/Humble & Fred

5/15/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

5/9/01 KDRK Spokane, WA 
w/Jay & Kevin

5/1/01 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Real Life
w/Mary Amoroso

4/26/01 KIRO Seattle, WA
w/Teresa Joy

4/26/01 KWTX Waco, TX
w/Jay & Chrissy

4/23/01 WAQY East Longmeadow, MA
w/Bax & O'Brien

4/12/01 WMPZ Chattanooga, TN
w/Chris Taylor

4/10/01 KIRO Seattle, WA
w/Teresa Joy

4/6/01 WVJS Owensboro, KY
Girl Talk w/Karen Heath

4/4/01 KPAY Chico, CA
w/Bruce Sessions

3/29/01 KVUU Colorado Springs, CO
w/Casey & Jim

3/28/01 KXEL-AM Waterloo, IA
w/Mike Bunge

3/12/01 KIKK Houston, TX

3/9/01 KSDB Manhattan, KS
w/Austin Thomas & Wacker

3/7/01 KFMA Tucson, AZ
w/John & Frank

3/5/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN 
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

2/28/01 CTRY Salt Lake City, UT
w/Dick Jacobson

2/26/01 CN8-TV, Union, NJ
Family Talk
w/Mary Amoroso

1/29/01 WICC Bridgeport, CT 
w/Fred Ebert

1/29/01 KTOM Salinas, CA 
w/Dennis & Debi

1/25/01 KKRZ Portland, OR, 
Morning Zoo w/Dr. Doug, Stacey Lynn, Nelson, & Spencer Kane

1/18/01 CHTZ St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada 
w/Ben, Joe, & Emma

1/16/01 KFGO Fargo, ND 
w/Barbara Lee & Bill

1/16/01 WRQT La Crosse, WI 
w/Jean & Frankie

1/16/01 WKMI Kalamazoo, MI 
w/Marci & Co., & Joe

1/11/01 WMC-AM Memphis, TN 
One for the Money w/Mike Stein

1/11/01 WARM Wilkes Barre, PA 
w/Greg Foster

1/10/01 WNCY Green Bay, WI
w/The Bear

1/9/01 KSCJ Sioux City, IA 
w/Gary Ericson

1/8/01 CN8-TV Union, NJ 
Family Talk w/Mary Amoroso

1/8/01 WXPT Edina, MN 
w/Carmen & Chris

1/8/01 WDAY Fargo, ND 
w/Jill St. John

1/3/01 KDRK Spokane, WA 
w/Jay & Kevin

1/3/01 WAAM Ann Arbor, MI 
w/Dave Pekral

12/28/00 WTSN Dover, NH 
w/Mike Pomp

12/27/00 CFRB Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
w/Jackie Daleny

12/27/00 KUBB Merced, CA 
w/Jamie Harper

12/26/00 KOA Denver, CO
w/Steve & Kim

12/21/00 WVMT Colchester, VT
w/Charlie Papillo & Ernie

12/19/00 KPSI Palm Springs, CA
w/Rick Moorten

12/19/00 WJMN Waltham, MA
w/Baltazar & Pebbles

12/19/00 WLAN Lancaster, PA
w/Toby & Angela

12/17/00 WTVN Columbus, OH
w/Carla Wren

12/12/00 KFKF Kansas City, MO
w/Dale & Mary

12/6/00 WYLD-AM New Orleans, LA
w/Loretta Pettit

12/6/00 KINA Salina, KS
w/Dave Foor

12/6/00 WPOC Baltimore, MD
w/Laurie De Young

12/4/00 WCSX Detroit, MI
w/JJ & Lynne

11/30/00 WRAM Wilkes Barre, PA
w/Rob Neyhard

11/29/00 WLKK Eerie, PA
w/Randy & Jim

11/29/00 PJD5 Philipsberg St. Maarten, VI
w/Bulldog & Melissa

11/28/00 WLAD Danbury, CT 
w/Pete Summers

11/26/00 KDKA Pittsburgh, PA 
w/Elizabeth Day

11/22/00 WXST Columbus, OH 
w/Jake & Kelly

11/21/00 WMTF Cedar Rapids, IA 
w/Randy Lee

11/12/00 CFPL London, Ontario, Canada
w/Norm Borg

10/26/00 KKNB Lincoln, NB
w/Brady Goodman

10/24/00 KZZU Spokane, WA
w/Dave & Molly

10/16/00 KFBC-AM Cheyenne, WI
Cheyenne Today w/JD Harris

9/28/00 WKSQ Ellsworth, ME
w/PJ & Stu

9/18/00 KINA Salina, KS
w/Dave Foor

9/14/00 KBUR Burlington, IA
w/Steve Hexom

9/11/00 WPHM Port Huron, MI
w/Joe Adams

8/28/00 WARM Wilkes Barre, PA
w/Roy Neyhard

8/23/00 WHLY-A South Bend, IN
w/Jay Michaels

8/22/00 KSFM Corpus Christi, TX
w/Bart & Arlene

8/16/00 CHLW St. Paul, AB, Canada
w/Danny White

8/7/00 KXXR Golden Valley, MN
w/Josh, Weasel, & Nick

8/3/00 WGNY Newburgh, NY
Midday's with Moultrie w/John Moultrie

7/27/00-7/28/00 WTVN Columbus, OH
w/Steve Cannon

7/24/00 KATD Concord, CA
w/Steve Shea & Trinity

7/24/00 KNML Albuquerque, NM
w/Dennis & Mike

7/17/00 KVMI West Fargo, ND
w/Ben & Jim

7/12/00 CKTB St. Catherines, ON, Canada
w/Tim & Lori

7/10/00 CKWR Waterloo, ON, Canada
w/John Maciel

7/10/00 WARM Wilkes Barre, PA
w/Roy Neyhard

7/7/00 KPSI Palm Springs, CA
w/Joey English

7/7/00 KEWS Portland, OR
w/Ed Teachout

7/3/00 WTVN Columbus, OH
w/Carla Wren

6/28/00 WXTK South Yarmouth, MA
The Mindy Todd Show w/Mindy Todd

6/23/00 KATD Concord, CA
w/Steve Shea

6/22/00 WSRC Durham, NC
w/Richard Burton

6/22/00 WKVT Brattleboro, VT
w/Mark Healey

6/21/00 WRVA Richmond, VA
w/Allen Price

6/21/00 KPSI Palm Springs, CA
w/Joey English

6/13/00 WACD Antigo, WI
w/Tim Unsinn

6/12/00 WMC-AM Memphis, TN
w/Mike Stein

6/8/00 KFRX Lincoln, NE
w/Jerry, Craig, & Liz

6/6/00 WWDC Washington, DC
Jim Cuddy in the Morning w/Jim Cuddy

5/30/00 WACR Columbus, MS
w/Kamal & Roebonner

5/18/00 WHAS Louisville, KY
w/Jane Norris

5/4/00 CHQR Calgary, AB, Canada
w/Terri Neilson

5/2/00 WAPI Birmingham, AL
w/John Ed, J., & Scott

5/2/00 WZOW Goshen, IN
w/CJ in the Morning

4/24/00 WWBG Winston-Salem, NC
w/Dusty Dunn

4/18/00 KIIZ Harker Heights, TX
w/Michael & Freeze

4/13/00 WSCC Mt. Pleasant, SC
w/Richard Todd

4/7/00 KINK Portland, OR
KINK Morning Show w/Dennis & Mike

3/28/00 WLAN Lancaster, PA
w/Jack & Nikki

3/27/00 KFYR Bismarck, ND
What’s on Your Mind w/Mark Armstrong

3/27/00 WWIN Baltimore, MD
w/Randy Dennis & Sasha

3/22/00 WHEB Portsmouth, NH
w/Andy & Jean-Marie

3/14/00 KPFX Fargo, ND
w/Kid, Robbie, & Dave

3/13/00 KSTZ Des Moines, IA
w/Big Ken & Colleen

2/21/00 WRMM Rochester, NY
w/Tony & Dee

2/16/00 WCWA Toledo, OH
w/Art Edgerton

2/15/00 WICC Bridgeport, CT
w/Tim Quinn

2/11/00 LNI Baton Rouge, LA
Louisiana Live w/Jim Engster

2/10/00 WQIK Jacksonville, FL
w/John Scott, CC, & Boomer

2/7/00 WTMS Melbourne, FL
w/Nina Gold & Rockin' Ron

2/7/00 WLRQ Melbourne, FL
w/Dave & Karen

2/4/00 WOMC Ferndale, MI
w/Ron Tavernit

2/3/00 WFNC Fayetteville, NC
w/Wendy Riddle

2/2/00 WRMM Rochester, NY
w/Tony & Dee

2/2/00 KLZR Lawrence, KS
w/Rob & Kari

2/2/00 WGRD Grand Rapids, MI
w/Rick, Scott, & Lesley

2/1/00 WPRO East Providence, RI
w/Giovanni & Kim

1/31/00 KFUO-A Clayton, MO
Living Jubilee w/Paul & Diane Summers

1/31/00 CHLW St. Paul, AB, Canada
w/Danny White & Melissa

1/25/00 WSOC Charlotte, NC
w/Dave & Terry

1/24/00 WAOA Melbourne, FL
w/Mia Laudato

1/24/00 WQQL Springfield, IL
w/Steve Michaels, Joey, & Colleen

1/21/00 WHBY Appleton, WI
w/Kathy & Mike

1/20/00 WTKX Pensacola, FL
w/Dick Danger & Joel

1/20/00 WRHT Morehead City, NC
w/Crystal, Greg, & Rick

1/18/00 KGMY Springfield, MO
w/Rick & Kani

1/17/00 WTSN Dover, NH
w/Mike Pomp

1/17/00 KSAL Salina, KS
w/Steve Forman & Rich Alexander

1/14/00 KKJJ Medord, OR
w/Michelle Michaels & George Lee

1/13/00 KIZN Boise, ID
w/Brenda & Kevin

1/13/00 KHFI Austin, TX
w/Fernando & Genny

1/13/00 WKBN Youngstown, OH
w/Pete Gabriel

1/12/00 KWRE Warrenton, MO
Live Wire w/Mike Thomas

1/12/00 WMXW Endwell, NY
w/John & Vicki

1/12/00 WCTK Providence, RI
w/Tad Lemire & Brian

1/11/00 WXCT Baton Rouge, LA
w/Devon & Bull

1/11/00 KGGO Des Moines, IA
w/Lou & Heather

1/10/00 KZQZ San Francisco, CA
w/Woody, Dan, and Jamie

1/10/00 WZNS Fort Walton Beach, FL
w/Scratch & Lori

1/10/00 WAEV Savannah, GA
w/Scotty 'N Lynn

1/7/00 KHIT Tulsa, OK
w/Stan "the JokeMan" & Carly Rush

1/6/00 WWDX Holt, MI
w/Mojo & Quinn

1/6/00 WMYU Knoxville, TN
w/Art Powell

1/5/00 WDBR Springfield, IL
w/Dave Daniels, Rick, and Missi

1/5/00 WTRY Latham, NY
w/Ric Mitchell

1/4/00 KTST Oklahoma City, OK
w/Kate Burns

1/3/00 WMJJ Birmingham, AL
w/Rob & Shannon

1/2/00 KGO San Francisco, CA
w/Michael Finney

12/30/99 WTVN Columbus, OH
w/Steve Cannon

12/30/99 KWAB Boulder, CO
Common Sense w/Gary Tessler

12/30/99 WFOG Norfork, VA
w/Carla Clark & Charles Blair

12/29/99 KEYT Santa Barbara, CA
The Voice of Santa Barbara w/Steve Fox

12/29/99 WFHN Fairhaven, MA
w/Micheal & Christine

12/29/99 KFGO Fargo, ND
Meyer and Murphy in the Morning w/Meyer & Murphy

12/29/99 WHYN Springfield, IL
w/Bo & Fred King

12/29/99 WMAJ Altoona, PA
w/Rich Dennis

12/28/99 WLAD Danbury, CT
w/Pete Summers

12/27/99 WPHH Pittsburgh, PA
w/Lindsay & Mike

12/11/99 WXTK South Yarmouth, MA
The Mindy Todd Show w/Mindy Todd

10/7/99 WSMN Nashua, NH
Krusher: Late & Live w/Karl “The Krusher” Stober, Michelle Moore, and Robyn J.

9/16/99 650NTR Saskatoon, Canada
The Christina Cherneskey Show w/Christina Cherneskey

7/26/99 KGDC Walla Walla, WA
KGDC AM Live w/Kathy Scott & Maureen Walsh

5/26/99 KSRC Kansas City, MO
Dennis Prior in the Morning w/Dennis Prior

5/13/99 & 5/10/99 WESO Southbridge, MA
Afternoon Show w/Roy Rotanen

4/5/99 KAWL York, NB
The Crossroads Cafe w/Mark Jensen

3/31/99 WMRH Waupun, WI
Open Mic w/Kent Waush

2/22/99 CKTY Sarnia, Ontario Canada
The Morning Show w/Carrie Buchanan

2/15/99 WMDM Lexington, MD
Brugman on the Bay w/Chris Brugman

2/8/99 KDVV Topeka, KS
V100 Morning Show w/Joe Black & Jill Matheny

1/18/99 WQFL Rockford, IL
Mike at the Mic in the Morning w/Mike & Natalie

12/29/98 KZHT Salt Lake City, UT
Z Morning Zoo w/Danger Boy & Frankie C

12/28/98 KGDC Walla Walla, WA
Walla Walla Live with Tim & Nancy w/Tim Burner & Nancy Burner

12/7-12/8-12/9-12/10/98 KEAR Oakland, CA
Community Involvement w/Neil Gandara

11/30/98 WLNI Madison Heights, VA
The Kenny Shelton Show w/Kenny Shelton

11/16/98 WQLB Tawas City, MI
The Breakfast Buzz w/J. D. Hock

11/10/98 WMYS Indianapolis, IN
Plain Talk from the Heartland w/Mark Shaw

11/2/98 Liberty Works Radio Network
Westminster, MD
The Dave Scott Show w/Dave Scott

11/2/98 WMAM/WLST Marinette, WI
Morning Express w/Brad Dodge

10/19/98 WSPT Stevens Point, WI
Wheeler with Love in the Morning w/Arnie Wheeler & Kelly Love

9/29/98 WYUR Bloomfield Hills, MI
Lunch Break w/Paul Christy

9/23/98 WPHM Port Huron, MI
Afternoon Open Line w/Ron Dewey

8/24/98 KITN Worthington, MN
R&R in the Morning w/Chris Holmes & Randall Harder

8/6/98 WTLN Altamonte Springs, FL
CrossTalk w/John Adams

7/27/98 KFRU Columbia, MO
The Morning Meeting w/Scott Baker & Simon Rose

7/27/98 WSPD Toledo, OH
The Speedy Morning News w/Pat Brogan

7/26/98 Talk America Radio
It’s Your Money w/Bill Bailey

7/5/98 KARN Little Rock, AR
Sunday Digest w/Pamela Crane

6/29/98 KVFD Fort Dodge, IA
The Welcome Home Show w/John Jacobs

6/29/98 WFXQ Chase City, VA
The B.C. Mornin’ Thang w/Brad Carver

6/14/98 Talk America Radio
It’s Your Money w/Bill Bailey

6/1/98 WJBC Bloomington, IL
Problems & Solutions w/Ken Behrens

6/1/98 WMBX West Palm Beach, FL
The Mix Morning Show wRich & Taylor

5/24/98 CKLW Windsor, Canada
The Buzz w/Mike Kakuk & Dave Jones

4/16/98 WOND Egg Harbor, NJ
The Daily Grind w/Jeff Whitaker

3/9/98 WXRX Rockford, IL
McMurray in the Morning w/Pete McMurray, Bob, & Amy

3/9/98 WJLK Ocean, NJ
Point Morning Show w/Rich & Sarah

2/23/98 WIZM La Crosse, WI
La Crosse Talk w/Mike Hayes

2/23/98 WLAN Lancaster, PA
Jack & Lauren w/Jack & Lauren

2/20/98 WOW-FM Little Falls, NY
Wake-Up Jam w/Jeff, Michele & Lori

2/20/98 WQLB Tawas City, MI
The Breakfast Buzz w/Keith & Jeff St. Claire

2/20/98 KPFX Fargo, ND
The Rock & Roll Morning Show w/Kevin Flynn & Robby Daniels

2/20/98 WXXX Colchester, VT
Mike & Chantal in the Morning w/Mike Czarny

2/16/98 WIXX Green Bay, WI
The Morning Show w/David Burns & Tammy Elliot

1/12/98 WPHL-TV (WB 17) Philadelphia, PA
Community Close-Up w/Dorie Lenz

12/15/97 WREL Lexington, VA
Online w/Jim Bresnahan

11/26/97 KBOI Boise, ID
News w/Drew Harold & Bill Scott

11/11/97 CFOS Owen Sound, Ontario
Lunchtalk w/Ken Vallith

10/21/97 Extra Help Channel (TV) Hauppauge, NY
In the Money w/James J. Burns

10/20/97 KIXY San Angelo, TX
The Kixy Morning Show w/Beau Richards "Bo"

10/20/97 KQWB Fargo, ND
Scotch & Daniels w/Jim Daniels and Knul Scotch

10/7/97 Clark Broadcasting (WKDW, WINS, WSZO, etc.) Staunton, VA
Conference Call w/Susan Hawthorne

10/6/97 WGL Fort Wayne, IN
The Rusty Humphries Show w/Rusty Humphries

10/6/97 KASM Albany, MN
Aunt Sarah’s Partyline w/Brad Mielke

10/1/97 WPSX-TV (PBS) State College, PA
Take Note w/Patty Satalia

9/22/97 WBBO Manahawkin, NJ
Mike & Michelle Show w/Mike Lynn & Michelle Pollino

9/8/97 WKFI Wilmington, OH
Talk 1090 w/Bill Christian & Rob Osborn

9/8/97 WAXZ/WAOL Georgetown, OH
Hotline w/Bill Cornetet w/Bill Cornetet

9/8/97 WFHN Fairhaven, MA
J.R. & Sharon Show w/J.R. & Sharon

8/25/97 KKSU Manhattan, KS
Sound Living w/Caroline Tetschner

8/25/97 WMAM Marinette, WI
Daybreak w/Brad Dodge

8/15/97 WPIC Sharon, PA
Ron Errett Show w/Ron Errett

8/11/97 WPGC Greenbelt, MD
Expansions w/Robin Breedon w/Robin Breedon

7/31/97 CJAD Montreal, Canada
Tommy Schnurmacher Show w/Tommy Schnurmacher

7/30/97 WGBB Babylon, NY
PM Long Island w/Bernard Sprigner

7/28/97 WKPE Orleans, MA
Naked Radio w/Dene Peachey & Tim White

7/14/97 WWUC Union City, TN
The Morning Show w/Rodney Taylor

7/13/97 WXRV Haverhill, MA
Community Forum w/David Jay

7/8/97 WTSN Dover, NH
The Mike Pomp Show w/Mark Miller

7/2/97 WGIR Manchester, NH
Baxter in the Morning w/Baxter & LB

6/30/97 WFXW St. Charles, IL
Robinn & Company w/Robinn Lang

6/18/97 WHAS Louisville, KY
Jane Norris w/Jane Norris

6/13/97 KXTQ Lubbock, TX
RAM & Jackie w/RAM & Jackie

6/8/97 KARN Little Rock, AR
Nichols & Company w/Steve Nichols

6/2/97 KBJJ Marshall, MN
Morning Madness w/Scott O’Brien & Greg Travis

6/2/97 WABJ Adrian, MI
The Morning Show w/John Sebastian

5/19/97 WXHT Portsmouth, NH
BC in the Morning w/BC and Stephanie Schaeffer

5/15/97 KFMB San Diego, CA
Jeff and Jerry w/Jeff Elliott & Jerry St. James

5/14/97 WNNJ Newton, NJ
One-on-One w/Chris DeMeo

5/6/97 B.N.N. (Business News Network) Colorado Springs, CO
US AM syndicated w/Greg Lanning

5/5/97 CIQC Montreal, Canada
Lifesytles with Jim & Sylvia w/Jim Connel & Sylvia Craig

5/3/97 WFAN Astoria, NY
Sunday Morning w/Bob Salter

4/21/97 WYGY Cincinnati, OH
Young and Wild Morning Show w/Terry Young & Bill Cody

4/17/97 KNRX Oklahoma City, OK
The Morning X w/Alan Cross & David Cook

4/10/97 WTTM Trenton, NJ
Sincerely Yours w/Denise Becker

4/7/97 WHMP North Hampton, MA
The Fred King Show w/Fred King


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