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Articles written by Scott Bilker
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Debt is Deadly (My debt is the end of my days) Debt is Deadly (My debt is the end of my days)
by Scott Bilker
Scott, When the night comes no one would know that the amount or the mixture would be fatal. Only I would know. On this night I will go to sleep, my mind will go blank, my breath will cease to move within my chest and the constant pain in my heart will, at last, be gone. There will be a cause of death as accidental overdose. There will be a life insurance policy with my children named as equal benefactors. Nancy
Survey Results: Your Advice for Nancy
by Scott Bilker
"Nancy, Please look at your children and think about what would happen to them without Mommy. I grew up without my biological father and I never knew him. I missed that part of life. I wish I could have had that. Your debt should not consume you."
Settling Debts Settling Debts
by Scott Bilker
Scott, My ex-husband was told that if he let his account go into delinquency that in about six months he'd be able to "settle" it for 40 percent of what he owed. He was also told him that it would NOT reflect badly on his credit report. Before he goes ahead with this crazy scheme could you please confirm that what this person told him is true? Rebecca
Johnny May's Guide to Preventing Identity Theft book review by Scott Bilker Johnny May's Guide to Preventing Identity Theft book review by Scott Bilker
by Scott Bilker
Johnny May's new book, from start to finish, is the definitive guide to identity theft! Johnny has down a great job explaining, in easy-to-understand language, how to recognize and prevent this growing crime with 27.3 million victims in the last five years. What motivates the identity thief?
No Money when bills arrive No Money when bills arrive
by Scott Bilker
Scott, I get paid twice a month. My first paycheck pays the mortgage and the 2nd pays the rest of my bills. The problem is that I get paid on the 1st and 15th. A lot of my debt is due between the 1st and the 15th. I have no choice but to pay late. Will my creditors change my due date if I ask them to, if not, what else would you suggest? Kay
Credit Junkie Credit Junkie
by Scott Bilker
Hi, Mr. Bilker! I'm a big fan but would like to share and get your opinion on what happened to me when I balance transferred several accounts. I'm also a credit junkie so am very aware of the status of my credit reports. FYI, My credit reports have... --Carol
Prisoner in Paradise Seeks Lifeboat Prisoner in Paradise Seeks Lifeboat
by Scott Bilker
Aloha Scott! I have about $20,000 spread over five cards (in three years time) in non-frivolous, "survival" debt racked up from rough times lately and inconsistent work, yada, yada, yada. I've been making minimum, never late payments and the occasional "transfer dance" to take advantage of lower interest rate offers. But man! Am I tired of the Dance!! --Roland
Follow up to Follow up to "Jenni the Bill Collector"
by Scott Bilker
I received many responses to the last article, Jenni the Bill Collector. As you may guess, the negative remarks about the article came from bill collectors and the positive article comments from people harassed by bill collectors (the majority). But one response stood out so much that I had to share this with everyone.
Household Math™: What does Jenna owe? Household Math™: What does Jenna owe?
by Scott Bilker
Jennafer read Scott Bilker's, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt and called her credit-card bank in the hopes of reducing her interest rate. Armed with the techniques from the book she was successful at reducing her rate by 5 percent to 9.9 percent! After doing the math she calculated that she would pay the debt back one year faster and save a total of $3,012! How much does she owe the bank--what is her balance now?
Jenni the Bill Collector Jenni the Bill Collector
by Scott Bilker
I am a bill collector. What a lot of people forget is that what we do is our job. We do not come to your office and cuss you out because you wanted an 8:00 meeting. Under the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) we are legally allowed to call from 8:00 am until 9:00 pm your local time.
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Money King Secrets
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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