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Articles written by Scott Bilker
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by Scott Bilker
First, you need to determine how much shipping may be for your items. You must decide how much to charge, if you're going to include it in the final price at no additional cost or if you'll let the auction winner know the shipping costs at the end of the auction.
One Day Late, Yeah Right One Day Late, Yeah Right
by Scott Bilker
I had the feeling that since being one day late means that banks can charge a late fee, it's possible that, well, payments could "accidentally" be held for say, oh, 24 hours. Oops, you're late!
by Scott Bilker
Remember that camera I put up for auction? Well, it sold for $71! That's $71 off my debt! So far, everything I've put up for auction has sold.
Survey Results: Summer Vacations
by Scott Bilker
Did you go on a summer vacation this year? How much did you spend on vacation? Is the amount you spent on your summer vacation more or less than you initially planned on spending?
Saving for a down payment Saving for a down payment
by Scott Bilker
How do you save money to buy a home when you are swamped with credit card bills that just seem to suck every last bit of savings?
ONLINE AUCTION CORNER: Pay Off Debt with Your Clutter ONLINE AUCTION CORNER: Pay Off Debt with Your Clutter
by Scott Bilker
You know all the stuff that's filling up your garage, attic, or shed? It's the same stuff that you want to sell at a garage sale if you only had the time. Well, those unwanted items may be able to help you start reducing your debt today!
Car Debt or Credit Debt First? Car Debt or Credit Debt First?
by Scott Bilker
Does it make sense to start increasing my payments on this loan? Isn't it fixed what I will pay on the loan? If this is the case shouldn't I start paying on the next highest interest debt (another credit card) instead? Thanks for any help!
Buy a Car with a Cash Advance? Buy a Car with a Cash Advance?
by Scott Bilker
The logic of the 4.9% at 6 Months makes sense, BUT is it a reality?
Debt Reduction vs. Mortgage Down Payment Debt Reduction vs. Mortgage Down Payment
by Scott Bilker
My husband and I are in debt for about 28k and have recently sold our home. We are looking to buy a more expensive house in a better neighborhood and school district for our two kids to start school in. I am currently working a lot of overtime, but am not sure if I should try to payoff some of the debt or save for a down payment.
Paying Off a Loan with Credit Cards Paying Off a Loan with Credit Cards
by Scott Bilker
I have a home eq. loan for 10 years at 8.50% for $26,000.00. Could I pay this down with credit cards using $500.00 a month payments?
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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