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Thursday, April 18, 2024   
Articles written by Scott Bilker
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Payment Order Payment Order
by Scott Bilker
Should I repay the highest interest card off first, or should I repay the lowest interest card off first and transfer the balance from the higher interest card?
Lower Rate Card Lower Rate Card
by Scott Bilker
In the past I have had some late payments on bills. Is there any hope that someone will give me a lower interest rate on my credit cards. HELP!!!!!
Rate Changes Rate Changes
by Scott Bilker
The bank gave me a fixed 9.99 rate, then it changed the rate to a variable 14.99...
Credit Reports Credit Reports
by Scott Bilker
I am paying off 7,500 dollars of debt soon. When should I ask for my credit reports?
Drowning in debt Drowning in debt
by Scott Bilker
I am drowning in debt. I am attempting to figure out a budget that is livable....
Buying a House After Bankruptcy Buying a House After Bankruptcy
by Scott Bilker
How hard is it to buy a house after filing for chapter seven bankruptcy? How long will it take to get a house? What are some of the things I need to do before even going to try to buy a house?
Divorce and credit Divorce and credit
by Scott Bilker
I am in the process of divorce and there are several credit cards and creditors that will need to be paid, but I have been advised by my attorney to make only the minimum payment between now and the trial for the divorce. Many of these are also overdue and so collection agencies, etc. call me to try and collect. How can I approach these creditors and let them know that the debt will be repaid eventually, but that circumstances prevent me from paying the debt in full at this time?
Biweekly mortgage may be a rip-off Biweekly mortgage may be a rip-off
by Scott Bilker
Biweekly mortgages have been touted by many companies as being an excellent way to save money and pay off your mortgage earlier. Some companies even claim that "it won't cost you any more than you're paying now." What a crock! What do you think a true biweekly mortgage saves you?
Lower your credit-card APR right now! Lower your credit-card APR right now!
by Scott Bilker
When was the last time you took a look at your credit card APR (Annual Percentage Rate)? What do you do if you discover that you are paying too much for your loans? Well, quite simply, make the bank lower your rate. Sound impossible? More than half of the time I've been able to make my banks lower their interest rates. The trick is to have the right deal-breaker.
Car Financing Smarts Car Financing Smarts
by Scott Bilker
My father asked me to help him pick out a new car. After visiting several new car dealers in the area, we finally found one with a car that had the price and features we were looking for. Once the negotiations were complete, and the price was agreed upon, it was time for the dealership to add in those extras such as; tags, processing fees and anything else they could.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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