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Articles about "Television Interviews"
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CNN "CNN Newsroom" with Fredricka Whitfield and Josh Levs
New credit card rules and what they mean for consumers (12/20/08). See video from this this interview that talks the impact of the new credit card rules.
NBC "Money Matters" with Stacy Johnson
Stacy Johnson interviewsh Scott Bilker about government crackdown on unfair credit cards practices.
ABC "Action News" with Nydia Han
Consumer reports interview with Scott Bilker talking about how to save money on your credit card debt plus how to cash in with reward cards.
WCBS-TV's "Consumer Watch" with Kristin Cole
"Consumer Watch" (7/17/07). See video from this this interview that talks about which cards to take on vacation and why.
CN8 "Art Fennell Reports" with Gwen Owens
"Addicted to Debt" (7/17/07). See video from this this interview that talks about America's problems with debt.
"Money Talks News" with Stacy Johnson
Money Talks News (7/16/07). See video from this this interview that talks about making money with low rate offers.
ABC "7 On Your Side" with Pete Wilson
ABC 7, 7 On Your Side, CA (7/4/07). See photos and video from this this interview that talks about which credit cards to bring on vacation
CBS 42 News "Cover Story" with Judy Maggio
CBS 42 News, Austin, TX (3/30/07). Watch this interview now at the CBS website.
NBC 2 News with Paul LaGrone
NBC 2 News, Ft. Myers, FL (3/28/07). Watch this interview now at the NBC website.
ABC "7 On Your Side" with Michael Finney
ABC 7, 7 On Your Side, CA (3/23/07). See photos and video from this interview about reducing interest rates.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
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<See all Television Interviews>

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