Home Equity Scams Quiz
by Richard Crammer
While many subprime lenders are reputable, some unscrupulous subprime lenders make costly home-secured loans to consumers who are unable to repay them, subjecting such consumers to refinancing with additional high or unfair fees and charges and possible loss of their homes through foreclosure or forcing an undesired sale. Take the quiz to test your knowledge of Home-Equity Scams.
Many Questions...Many Answers
by Scott Bilker
After each show I received many great questions and many of these viewers allowed me to share their questions with everyone. I received questions about mortgages, debt counselors, consolidation, credit histories, bankruptcy, medical bills, credit cards (of course), and many other topics. Below are the some of those questions and answers.
Building Credit
by Gary Foreman
Dear Dollar Stretcher, I am a college student looking for a credit card. When I tell my parents this they say, "no, you don't need one". I feel that I am financially responsible and in control of my money. I am not looking to spend money I don't have but merely to build credit. I've read all about college kids in debt, etc. But what about the rest of us that are responsible and ready to start our lives? How do I even get a credit card? And is there any better way to build credit?
Survey Results: Financial Education
by Scott Bilker
Do you think that a mandatory personal-finance/money-management course in high school would have helped your financial life and skills today?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/16/02
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote,s Letter from the Publisher; Survey: Financial Education Many Questions...Many Answers Debt Makeover Advertisers Building Credit The Rule of Three; DebtSmart Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
The Rule of Three
by Michael Angier
As we become immersed in the ocean of information, possibilities, directions and the like, it becomes even more important for us to focus on the things that are truly important to us--the things that will make a difference in the quality of our lives. We can all sharpen our focus and get better results by using the Rule of Three in our daily lives.
Chris Peruzzi vs. the Debt Counselors
by Chris Peruzzi
I've got SUCH a headache. If you ever want to see me lose my temper really fast, talk to me about my debt counseling company. I have never had to deal with such a band of galactic level screw-ups in my life. In a roundabout way, I would guess that they are doing the job they are supposed to be doing. They are curing me of any kind of desire to ever be in debt again.
Clean Out the Yuck in Your Life!
by Michael Angier
When we lie--when we operate outside our value systems, even when we're the only one who knows we did--we have to bury that feeling inside ourselves. I call it "Yuck." Any negative secret feeling has to be stuffed. We deny it to ourselves because to face it would illuminate our lack of integrity. We either have to deal with it or stuff it. And most of us stuff it.
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