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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/29/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Student and credit cards; STATISTIC: Christmas Spending 2008; Credit squeeze literally hits home as card limits, equity lines pared ; I've never seen anything like it; "HELOC rated reduced by 0.76% with one call!"; Financial Crisis Answer Center; Household Math™: Average Daily Balance; Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights!; 4 Tips: Smart Money Moves for a Down Economy
I've never seen anything like it I've never seen anything like it
by Joe Vitale
I've never seen anything like it. I'm literally getting mailing after mailing from people panicking over the world economy, wondering how they're going to cope with it. And my heart goes out to each and every one of them. In fact, at one time I actually was homeless living on the street. I know the feeling of being scared.
Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights! Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights!
by Gerri Detweiler
With the ongoing credit crisis, a lot of people are getting calls from debt collectors. Most of these collectors are merely trying to do their job, but there are some among them who are so money-hungry (in many cases motivated by bonuses and commissions) that they will go so far as to violate the regulations of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. As a result, complaints against debt collectors are on the increase according to the Better Business Bureau and federal regulators. The FTC reported that it received more complaints I 2007 about debt collectors than in reference to any other industry. These are the top complaints received about debt collectors by the FTC in 2007...
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/15/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores; STATISTIC: Borrowing Boom; READER COMMENT: "Double my reward..."; Women Head of Households; Yard Sale Etiquette; "That saves me 7% on one account and 5% on the other..."; Trusted Information; Card Issuers Tighten The Screws; Household Math™: Biweekly Payments; What's Your #1 Excuse?; Dealing With Debt That Refuses to Die
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/1/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Second mortgage rate and APR; STATISTIC: Revolving Debtors; Trapped in Your Job: 5 Signs It's Time to Move On; Get motivated to get out of debt; "180,091 people saved money"; US travelers face credit snafu; Household Math™: Pizza Deals; The Bills Can Wait; The Key to Wedded Bliss? Money Matters
Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar
by Scott Bilker
I’ve helped people do these negotiations and I’ve help teach other how to do it themselves. Nothing makes my day more than receiving the success stories of those that have read my book and saving a bundle on their own! This one is great…
Financial Independence Financial Independence
by Michael Angier
Financial independence, by its very definition, means to not be dependent on anyone or anything for our financial needs. That requires being free from debt. When asked what they would do if they won the lottery, most people say they would pay off their debts. Just imagine what it would be like not to owe any money?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/17/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar; STATISTIC: Bankruptcy Filings 2008; 10 Things Millionaires Won't Tell You; Financial Independence; "I can do this!"; American Express sued over policy on gift cards; Household Math™: What is APR?; Money is a Family Affair; Credit-Card Rage
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/3/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Living above my means for years--what now?; STATISTIC: Buying Used vs. New; 7 Things You Should Never Say to Customer Service; 3 Bank Deception Stories; "When Credit Card Companies Compete for Your Business--You Win!"; How to persuade customer service reps to help you; Household Math™: What does Jenna owe?; Should I declare bankruptcy?; Digging Out of Medical Debt
3 Bank Deception Stories 3 Bank Deception Stories
by Scott Bilker
Below are three stories of bank deceptions submitted by email newsletter readers. Thanks to all for your feedback about my Chase story. However, keep in mind that we need to use the banks against each other. That means you don’t want to close your accounts. Transferring your balances is the best revenge!
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