You Cannot Afford To Say, "I Can't Afford It"
by Michael Angier
Every week I get emails from people thanking me for all the great stuff we send their way. But many of them also apologize for not buying some of our other products or the products and services we very selectively recommend to them. They say things like, "I have no money," "I'm broke," "I'm poor," or "I can't afford it." Every time these or similar words are uttered, we're telling ourselves that it's true. We are reinforcing this false belief.
Financial Independence
by Michael Angier
Financial independence, by its very definition, means to not be dependent on anyone or anything for our financial needs. That requires being free from debt. When asked what they would do if they won the lottery, most people say they would pay off their debts. Just imagine what it would be like not to owe any money?
Do What Works and Stop Doing What Doesn't
by Michael Angier
Success is simple. Just be clear about what you want and go after it. That and a few million details and you've got it made. Let's assume that you already know what you want in your life and what it would take to make you feel successful. But how do you make that happen?
Top Ten Ways To Deal With Overwhlem
by Michael Angier
Lately, many of the people I've been talking with or coaching have been complaining about being overwhelmed. I have to admit that I've been wrestling with it too. My ideas and my commitments seem to far outpace my time and energy. So here's my advice to you--and to myself--for dealing with overwhelm.
What Are You Tolerating In Your Life?
by Michael Angier
In order to be successful it's critical that we become clear about what we really want and why we want it. But the flip side to that is to also be clear about what we DON'T want. We all have things in our life that, at best, don't serve us. Many of these things actually detract from the quality and satisfaction of our lives. What we've found to be helpful is to...
No More Struggle: Seven Steps to Stay Out of Struggle and in the Flow of Success
by Michael Angier
Working diligently at something we're excited about doesn't seem all that hard. When we're confident that what we're doing matters and we're making noticeable progress, it rarely seems like hard work. Struggle, on the other hand, feels...
An Upset is an Opportunity to See the Truth
by Michael Angier
A few days ago my wife and I found ourselves in a dilemma. We rarely have arguments, and I wouldn't characterize this as one. It was, however, an upset. Hurt feelings, frustration, misunderstandings and ego all played their negative roles. We've been together for almost ten years and have worked through many of the challenges of any marriage including...
Giving and Receiving
by Michael Angier
Wherever we're experiencing lack, we must look for what we have failed to give. If you want more of something in your life, you need to give more of what you want. Think about the people you respect and admire. Aren't they the ones who have...
Your Agreements Show Your Integrity
by Michael Angier
Except for disease and climatic disasters, I believe that over 90 percent of the world's problems result from people not keeping their agreements. Think about it. From countries to corporations to families and...
Metrics Make a Difference--And Money, Too
by Michael Angier
Even if you're not a business owner, you can find the best metrics to monitor what you do in your job. In doing so, you'll be able to track things better and make changes that impact those numbers in a positive fashion. You can increase your own productivity as well as...
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