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Articles written by Doris Dobkins
<11 to 20 out of 23 articles>
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Money Management Money Management
by Doris Dobkins
Are you good at handling money? Are you good at money management? Do you have self-control? How's your attitude towards money?
Living On the Edge Living On the Edge
by Doris Dobkins
What is your lifestyle like? Do you sometimes feel like your finances are out of control and you are living on the edge? Our lifestyle today has become one of "buy and charge". Society pounds this message incessantly, wherever you turn. It is even easier for us to make money than to keep it.
Why Warranties? Why Warranties?
by Doris Dobkins
Have you ever wondered why most companies offer extended warranties (service contracts) for the products they sell? Do they already know that something is going to go wrong with your product or do they know everything will be well with it and they are just looking for easy profits?
Bill Paying Methods Bill Paying Methods
by Doris Dobkins
How are you paying your bills? Do you still write checks each month, stuff them in an envelope and slap on a postage stamp or have you ventured into the world of online bill paying and automated payments?
Your Future Your Future
by Doris Dobkins
Why are there so many books written on "getting out of debt" and "saving for retirement"? Why do so many people study these subjects or subscribe to newsletters that address these issues? One of man's biggest fears is running out of money at retirement...
What is Simple Living? What is Simple Living?
by Doris Dobkins
This is a question I hear all the time, and appropriate too as "Simple Living" is one of the top ten trends of the decade. But what exactly is it?
Think Before Think Before
by Doris Dobkins
This afternoon, I spent an unexpected 4 hours at the car service dealer. My vehicle had been overheating for the past few days so I thought I'd take it in for a service check. Not having any other form of transportation at the moment, I decided to "hang out" in a comfortable chair on the sales floor. Here's just a small sample of what I witnessed...
Time and Money Time and Money
by Doris Dobkins
Time is a limited resource. We have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 52 weeks each year. Who and what determine how we spend our time? How can we maximize the time we have? Money as well is a limited resource. What do we do with the money that we take home? How do we spend it and how can we maximize it? Tough questions or easy questions?
Write your financial profile Write your financial profile
by Doris Dobkins
It's fun to read financial profiles. Humans, by nature are curious about how much other people make and how they live with what they make. Profiles can communicate someone's salary, how many children they have, how much they save, how big their mortgage payments are and what else they spend their money on.
Planning for Success In The New Year Planning for Success In The New Year
by Doris Dobkins
The New Year has just begun. Where has the time flown? Think for a moment about last year and your finances. The small financial decisions we make every day can have a huge impact on our circumstances a month from now, six months from now or even 1 year from now.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
<Photos and Video>
CNN: American Morning
<Photos and Video>
ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
<Photos and Video>
<See all Television Interviews>

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