Tawra Kellam is the editor of
Tawra and her husband paid off $20,000 debt in 5 years on $22,000 a year income.
Using a little imagination, you can make your
Valentine’s day a little more fun and a lot less expensive. If you want to add a
little personalized romance, or if you don’t have the time or money to buy all
the pre-made things in the store, here are some ideas from
livingonadime.com to
help you make the day special.
For the Kids:
My mom always made a great, but inexpensive,
Valentine’s Day treat for us. She would take construction paper and cut a big
heart out of it (about 8x10 inches). Then, she would staple the edges together
and write our names and an "I love you" on the outside. She would then fill the
heart with candy purchased on clearance after Christmas. It was very
inexpensive, and we loved it!
Do a Valentine’s treasure hunt. Leave little
notes around with the last one leading back to the kitchen table with a heart-shaped
dish full
of candy.

For Lunches:
Make heart shaped Valentine’s cookies, cut the
kids (or hubby’s) sandwiches with a heart shaped cookie cutter to make a heart
sandwich. Add a few Valentine’s chocolates and put a note in red with a big
heart on their napkin.
Serve anything red for the day. Serve red Jell-o,
red pudding, red apples, toast with strawberry jelly, tomato soup, red
applesauce, red Kool-aid, strawberry milk, or red frosted cookies. Use powdered
food coloring from the cake store to get the deepest shade of red. Leave sticks
of red gum in their Valentine’s Day cards.
Make red heart-shaped cupcakes. Make cupcakes as
usual but place a marble down the side of the muffin tin between the muffin tin
and each cupcake cup. This will make heart shaped cupcakes.
Make hearts out of chocolate chips in each of
your pancakes.
Mail your pre-addressed and stamped Valentines to
Loveland, Colorado and they will postmark them and mail them for you. Send them
to: Postmaster, Attn: Valentines, Loveland, CO 80537
Make a treasure hunt for your spouse. Start by
mailing or e-mailing him the first clue. Then leave clues all over the house,
yard, car or his office telling him where to find the next clue. End the hunt by
making a picnic in the back yard or going to a park for a picnic. Use your
imagination and have fun. The simple things are the ones people remember.
Things to do with or for your honey:
Go to a bookstore and enjoy the silence and
browse. Get a cup of coffee and make a date of it.
Celebrate Valentine’s day AFTER Valentine’s day.
Everything is half off.
Mail a love letter to your hubby’s work.
Send your spouse a sexy email message.
Leave "Why I love you" messages all over the
house. Buy a package of the cheap Valentines. Leave a message on each one and
hide them all over the house for your honey. They will get to enjoy the gift for
Use lipstick to make hearts and love notes on the
rearview mirror, car windows, bathroom mirror or windows of the house. Leave a
kiss on his napkin for lunch or dinner.
Make a bunch of hearts out of construction paper.
Put a love note on each one. Paste them all over the front door or car before
your hubby or kids come home from work.
If you don’t have money to go out, have a picnic
on the floor. Use some candles and lay a soft blanket on the floor. Put on some
soft music and have a romantic Valentine’s dinner on the floor. Use some white
Christmas lights for additional romantic lighting!