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Household Math™: Cell Phone Plans Household Math™: Cell Phone Plans
by Scott Bilker
Brandon is getting his first cell phone and is trying to decide which plan to take. After review all the details the cost comes down to two options: (Plan 1) $59.99 per month for up to 500 minutes and (Plan 2) $89.99 per month for up to 1000 minutes. Both plans cost an additional $0.35 per minute if he goes over the monthly limit. Brandon wants to know, the minimum number minutes he must use, to make it worthwhile to select plan 2 over plan 1?
Women Need to Focus on Saving More Than Men Women Need to Focus on Saving More Than Men
by Womens-Finance.com
Studies show that men do most of the savings, yet women need to save more than men for a number of reasons...
Protecting Yourself Against Identity Fraud Protecting Yourself Against Identity Fraud
by The FBI
Identity Fraud is one of the fastest growing White Collar Crimes in the nation. The perpetrators consider this a "faceless" crime, since their targets are financial institutions or retail stores. Little if any thought is ever given to the harm their actions bring to the individuals whose identities they have stolen. Identity Fraud is the criminal...
Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 8) Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 8)
by Gregory Thomas
All throughout this money saving journey you want to keep this process as organized and structured as possible. You'll find that a lack of organization will not only frustrate and make things more difficult for you, but it will be nearly impossible to track your results. Tracking your results is one of the MOST important steps to the money saving process. If you do not track the results from your money saving efforts, the money you save will never be set aside and put towards your pre-established GOAL.
Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 7) Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 7)
by Gregory Thomas
Anyone who has tasted success, has in some way or another taken into account the "three R's" - Review, Revise, Retry. How do I know this? Reason being, nobody is perfect, so no one will be able to do a perfect, flawless job on the first attempt in anything whether it's for work or pleasure. This is nothing to be ashamed of, it's just a fact. We as humans have flaws and are imperfect. But our determination, creativity, and willingness to adapt, allow us to achieve the things we set our minds on.
Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 6) Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 6)
by Gregory Thomas
Now that you have a goal to strive for, a list of variable bills to lower, and an understanding as to why it's important to compare cost, risks, and benefits before making a purchase, you're now ready to CHALLENGE yourself to succeed. Are you wondering how you are supposed to CHALLENGE yourself?
Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 5) Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 5)
by Gregory Thomas
In addition to lowering your monthly bills and expenditures, you need to look at your shopping/spending habits and determine if any changes need to be made. This is extremely important for a number of reasons. Basically, how helpful would it be if you took time to research and implement effective money saving tips, then went out and needlessly spent $200 on stuff you really didn't need? You would have done all that hard work for nothing.
Consolidating credit cards to one account Consolidating credit cards to one account
by Scott Bilker
I am a recent college graduate and I have accumulated about $4,000.00 worth of debt spread out in 4 different credit card accounts. I would like to transfer all of the balances to an account with a lower APR to save money and to make monthly payments more convenient. The problem is that I have not been able to be approved for a credit card with a limit of over $1500.00. Is there anything that you can recommend?
Household Math™: Biweekly Payments Household Math™: Biweekly Payments
by Scott Bilker
You borrow $25,000 at 8% for 5 years to remodel your kitchen and bathroom. Your loan requires 60 monthly payments to completely pay off the loan. After you get the loan, one of your friends tells you that you can save money by making payments more frequently...
Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 3) Eight Steps to Tackle the Money-Saving Process (Part 3)
by Gregory Thomas
Now that you have a specific money-saving goal to strive towards, it's time to dive into the process of lowering your monthly bills and expenditures. Obviously, a choice you have is to work "overtime" hours at your current place of employment, or get a "second" job for additional income. For the record, the following process we will divulge does not look at this opportunity.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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