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Calling banks for my 82-year-old mother Calling banks for my 82-year-old mother
by Scott Bilker
Scott, I help my 82-year-old mother pay many of her credit card bills. She's scared to call the credit card companies and I don't want to be added as an authorized user or they will show up on my credit report. Is there a service that she can give a power of attorney to that will call the credit card companies on her behalf? Currently, she is NOT past due on any credit cards--but that will change if we can't reduce these interest rates. Thanks! Brian
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/18/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Calling banks for my 82-year-old mother How to save money on your phone service within minutes!; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Auto Loan Rate Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! Adventures of the Debt Daredevil: Car on Credit; DebtSmart Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Advanced cash-advance techniques; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates
by Scott Bilker
Scott, I just found your website in a book I am reading from the Rich Dad Series. I am in business for myself for 8 years now. I have high CC debt all for the most part business debt. We always pay our bills on time. Recently though the CC companies started raising their interest rates on us and lowering our limits dramatically. Some to the tune of 35%! What can we do? Bob
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/4/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates Credit Card Help From Scott Bilker: The $43,000 Man Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Household Math™: Cutting the Budget Stop Debt Collectors Cold; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; How Junk Mail Can Save You Money DebtSmart Help Center; Rating your credit card; Credit; Lessons for Retirees; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
How Junk Mail Can Save You Money How Junk Mail Can Save You Money
by Jeffrey Strain
Most people toss out the junk mail that comes in their mailbox never realizing that it can save them hundreds of dollars a year. That's because "junk mail" includes competing offers which can be used to lower the rates you currently pay for services.
News 12 NJ, "It's Your Money; It's Your Credit", Special Report with Tom Layson
News12 NJ, Edison, NJ (5/3/05). Watch this interview now with Windows Media Player 9 streaming for cable.
How To Telecommute Successfully How To Telecommute Successfully
by Kelly Land
Telecommuting is becoming more and more popular these days. Why? Because our technology enables us to do almost anything from a home office. Virtual meetings can be held via the Internet with a web camera and finished work can be sent by e-mail. We waste a lot of time and energy just getting to and from work.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/20/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Bankruptcy Law Passes House Credit Card Help From Scott Bilker: The $43,000 Man Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! Stop Debt Collectors Cold What's Your #1 Excuse?; DebtSmart Help Center; How to Correct Mixed or Split Credit Reports; Rating your credit card; How To Telecommute Successfully; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
What's Your #1 Excuse? What's Your #1 Excuse?
by Joe Vitale
I marvel at the thinking of some people. No matter what you say or do, they stick to their excuses and stay negative, limited, and stuck. Yet they don't see it. They think, "I'm just being objective."
Bankruptcy Law Passes House Bankruptcy Law Passes House
by Scott Bilker
Bankruptcy change legislation passed Congress last week in a 302 to 126 vote and has been signed into law by President Bush. The changes introduced by this bill are tough on consumers and good for banks. Banks are having their cake and eating it too, as the hackneyed-cliché goes.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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