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"3 On Your Side" with Jim Donovan
CBS 3, Philadelphia, PA (11/28/05)
Problems with balance transfers Problems with balance transfers
by Scott Bilker
Hi Scott, I have gone through the trouble the past few months to get a permanent, lower-interest credit card and also to get a promotional rate on the new card to transfer balances ($5,000 to $12,000). I go through the whole process and get approved for $1,000. I cancel the card immediately, because it's just not worth it. I canceled a card with $29,000 credit earlier in the year because I didn't want to support the company. What might be the problem? Seth
Money books for kids Money books for kids
by Scott Bilker
Educating your children about money is one of the smartest, and most rewarding, financial moves for any family. It is in our childhood that we are conditioned to have emotions related to money. Many of these emotions, like fear of not having enough money, or having too much money, are not based in reality. These feelings can hold you back later in life so it's important to have an understanding about money from as early an age as possible.
Balance transfer game Balance transfer game
by Scott Bilker
Dear Scott, I have learned a great deal even from just a few visits to your site and my husband has as well! Our problem: We are both sole proprietors of our own businesses and have ridden the freelance rollercoaster for a combined 30 years. I am slowly working away at debt I accumulated when I was in massage school. My husband, however, has not always been so good at opening his mail, paying his bills on time...He gets offers for 0 percent intro rates frequently, but they have horrible default rates. SMP
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 11/16/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Credit and Debt Statistics; Letter from the publisher; Balance transfer game; "Awesome results with your book!"; Household Math™: Car per hour; More credit, more options; Problems with balance transfers; Free software with phone savings; Money books for kids; DebtSmart® Help Center; Rating your credit card; 9 Steps to Unshakeable Confidence; Equity Online; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Advertising
Negotiation persistence saves $21,000 Negotiation persistence saves $21,000
by Scott Bilker
Amy originally contacted me to let me know about her success in general. We corresponded a few times regarding her latest negotiation with her bank. She already was doing well, so I asked her to let me know what happens--and she did! I must say that I am very impressed by her success and want to share it with everyone at DebtSmart.com so all can see what is possible when you are persistent! Congratulations Amy and thank you for allowing me to share this with everyone!
Using online credit card calculators as a personal finance tool Using online credit card calculators as a personal finance tool
by Curtis Arnold
The Web has greatly enhanced the availability of helpful resources pertaining to personal finance. Online financial calculators are a perfect example of how the Web is aiding consumers in making wise choices about credit. Online calculators are becoming increasingly popular financial tools and, while calculators are quite "user-friendly", there are some tips that consumers should consider when using calculators.
Setting Your Financial Priorities Setting Your Financial Priorities
by Terry Rigg
Whether you know it or not, you are always setting your financial priorities. Some may decide that a new stereo system is more important than this month's electric bill. This may be a little off the wall but it is still setting your priorities. Anyone wanting to better manage their money would be wise to determine what their financial priorities are and stick to them. Of course, if you see that these priorities will not put food on the table and pay your bills then you will have to rethink your priorities.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 11/2/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Letter from the publisher; Negotiation persistence saves $21,000; "I saved $1,334 per hour. It was so easy!"; SURVEY: New DebtSmart.com Website Format; Household Math™: Average Daily Balance; More credit, more options; Payment Order Counts When Saving Money On Your Debt; Free software with phone savings; Setting Your Financial Priorities; DebtSmart® Help Center; Rating your credit card; Using Online Credit Card Calculators as a Personal Finance Tool; Netflix delivers DVD rentals to your home!; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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