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Is your credit score costing you a fortune? Is your credit score costing you a fortune?
by Scott Bilker
While some surveys show that 9 out of 10 consumers are unaware what their credit score is, I'd like to quickly share with you how your credit score could be costing you a fortune…in more ways than you can imagine. We all know a low credit score will make everything in the world of finance more expensive because of higher interest rates from lenders due to being considered a greater credit risk.
Where did that fee come from? Where did that fee come from?
by Scott Bilker
Howdy Scott, I am writing to you about a unique situation that occurred to me about two weeks and I was wondering if anyone else you know of and/or subscribes to your newsletter might have had this happen to them...there was an added $1.00 fee for processing the payment. I told the rep I was ready to close the account, since I considered this a money grab. Any thoughts? John, The Twin Cities of Minnesota
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/7/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Where did that fee come from?; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Identity Theft by State; "That's $107.00 a month saving for 4 months!"; Credit Secrets Bible; Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
What should I do with my money now? What should I do with my money now?
by Scott Bilker
Dear Scott, Through the sale of my previous house, I will soon have just enough money left over ($100,000) to pay off ALL of my loans and credit card debt. Question: is it a good idea to pay off ALL of my debt? Or should I perhaps keep some on the accounts? Or what? Your advice has always helped me in the past, so I really wanted to ask you what you think. Thank you, Rodney
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/21/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; What do I do with my money now?; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; "That's $107.00 a month saving for 4 months!"; The Three Little Pigs: Your Child and Money; Household Math™: Minimum Payment; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Kicking the Worry Habit; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/7/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; How I Made an Easy $1,800 Profit with My Credit Cards; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; "Thank you for saving my sanity" and other reader comments...; Coping with Financial Stress; Household Math™: Cell Phone Plans; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; The Valentine's Day Challenge; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
The Valentine's Day Challenge The Valentine's Day Challenge
by Nancy Twigg
Does Valentine's Day have to be expensive? Not at all. Let me tell you a story of how my husband and I had one of the best Valentine's Day celebrations ever by limiting ourselves to spending $10 or less. About ten years ago, my husband Michael and I both left good jobs to begin a home-based business.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/24/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Credit Junkie; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; "Thank you for saving my sanity" and other reader comments...; Green Bills and Debit Song; Household Math™: Mortgage Math; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; 8 Ways to Consolidate Debt; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
8 Ways to Consolidate Debt 8 Ways to Consolidate Debt
by Gerri Detweiler
Next to winning the lottery, a debt consolidation loan is a debtor's dream. With one monthly payment and a fixed monthly payment schedule, you can actually see an end to those monthly payments. In reality, consolidating bills isn't always easy. If you have a lot of debt, it can be hard to find a consolidation loan at a lower interest rate. And if you're not careful, you can end up deeper in debt than when you started.
Green Bills and Debit Song Green Bills and Debit Song
by Rhett and Link
In their first made-for-podcasting endeavor, Rhett and Link face-off as a flower and a caribou over the age-old question: "What is the superior form of legal tender?"
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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