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DebtSmart® Email Newsletter

ISSN 1538-6740
March 23, 2005 Issue 95

Tools for financial success! A Free Email Newsletter from DebtSmart Online and Press One Publishing.

Publisher: Scott Bilker

In this Issue

Cool Quote

Letter from the Publisher

How Do You Get that Loan Formula?

"I calculated my savings at $3,968. WOW!"

Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!

Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage

Insider Secrets of Business & Personal Credit

Avoiding The Credit Card Over-The-Limit Fee

DebtSmart Help Center

Consolidating Credit Cards to One Account

DebtSmart® Resources

Subscribe/Disclaimer Information

Cool Quote

"Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle."
--Ken Hakuta

Quotes from all previous newsletters

Letter from the Publisher 
by Scott Bilker


Here are a few items for this issue...

1) I'll be skipping the scheduled email newsletter edition for 4/6/05. The next issue of the DebtSmart Email Newsletter will arrive on 4/20/05.
2) I do hope that everyone who took part in the business and personal credit success teleseminar had a great time! If you took part, then please let me know what you thought.
3) If you have been watching the news then you're probably aware that the Senate is passing bankruptcy reform. This is going to make it more difficult to claim a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy while leaving loopholes for some wealthier individuals to hide their cash.
4) Many online web sites offer "free" credit reports. Of course, the majority of these sites are going to try to up-sell you on other services. Well, the law has changed and everyone will eventually be able to get their credit reports free pursuant to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. To get a free credit report, consumers can log on here, the official Web site created jointly by the three credit reporting companies--Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
5) It's finally happened! Someone has been able to spoof caller I.D.! That means that you may get a call where it says, "Citibank" on the caller I.D. but it's really someone trying to steal your personal information. The bottom line is that you shouldn't give out personal information unless you initiate the call or are 100 percent sure you know who know who you're speaking with!
6) Water Bill Delinquency. So I received a water bill delinquency notice this week. Payment was due in January and it's already March. I take a look at the bill and call the township. I said, "I got a delinquency notice and I'm trying to figure out why..." the woman responds, "Well, let me take a look..." I said, "I know why, you're sending the bill to the wrong address. I'm house #7 and you're sending it to #1." They had the right address on file but it got changed somehow. I sent the bill in with a note that read, "Please send bill to proper address to ensure timely payment."

That's all for now.


How Do You Get that Loan Formula?
by Scott Bilker


I read with interest your article, Amortized Loans. At the end of the article you indicate the explanation of how to derive the formulae as being covered in another article.

Can you please tell me where I can find this?

Thank you very much,

Finish Reading Article

"I calculated my savings at $3,968. WOW!"


I wanted to thank you. I ordered your books a few weeks ago and read them right away. I had an incredible amount of confidence when I called to get my credit card rate lowered. It was so easy! They lowered my rate from 10.45% to 3.9% (for a large balance too) for the life of the balance, with no fees.

I calculated my savings at $3,968. WOW!

Thanks again for your terrific advice!

Lisa Harris

Read about special offer for all three of Scott Bilker's best-selling books

Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!
by Scott Bilker

Your best defense against any one bank is to have credit options--to be able to transfer your balance to a lower rate. That's your only real power against high fees. That's how to be DebtSmart®! Make the banks fight for your business! Be sure to add this web page to your favorites list so you can keep applying for new credit when you need it. Which credit card is right for you? Select from the list below and apply online right now!

Choose from the list of featured credit cards

Insider Secrets of Business & Personal Credit 
Review by Scott Bilker

Earning more money is a topic I always touch on. Investing in your ideas can be the key to your financial success and that ultimately means paying off debt! One of these approaches is to start your own business. One of the hurdles to this plan can be funding that business.

Garrett Sutton, an attorney who specializes in helping small businesses, as well as an author with Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad series of books, and best-selling author, Gerri Detweiler have put together a program to help get top-notch credit for your business!

The program includes a workbook, 2 audio CD's, plus bonus reports and business service discounts. Gerri sent me a copy to take a look at, and I certainly believe that she and Garrett have done a great job putting together just the right information for business credit success as well as personal credit, which is why I want to make it available to you through DebtSmart!

Read more about the Inside Secrets of Business & Personal Credit

Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage
by Scott Bilker

You have a $100,000 mortgage at 6% APR for 15 years. How many extra monthly payments must you send each year to be able to pay off this loan in exactly 5 years? 
Note: All the extra payments are sent along with the year's last monthly payment.

Answer this problem

Avoiding The Credit Card Over-The-Limit Fee
by Jeffrey Strain

One of the most troublesome credit card fees that you can run up against is the over-the-limit credit card fee. Unlike most other credit card fees where you pay one time for the offense, after you breach your limit, you can end up paying this fee month-in and month-out. Once you exceed your credit card limit, the over-the-limit fee is an automatic, computer generated fee that will be applied to every statement until your bring your credit card balance below your limit. While these fees typically range between $25 and $35, they can be as high as $40, which means you will be paying $300 - $500 a year for this fee all by itself.

Finish Reading Article

DebtSmart® Help Center 
by Scott Bilker


Helping you with your debt is very important to me personally! If you've been reading my articles, you know that I always encourage self-help as a first step. However, being buried in debt can be very overwhelming, which is why you may want to explore other options.

One of those options is professional, ongoing help with credit counselors. I've started to personally check out certain companies so I can recommend the ones that are worth considering!

If you would like to speak with a representative from a...

Read More at the DebtSmart Help Center

Consolidating Credit Cards to One Account
by Scott Bilker

Hi Scott, 

I am a recent college graduate and I have accumulated about $4,000.00 worth of debt spread out in 4 different credit card accounts. I would like to transfer all of the balances to an account with a lower APR to save money and to make monthly payments more convenient. 

The problem is that I have not been able to be approved for a credit card with a limit of over $1500.00. Besides having multiple cards near their credit limit, I have good credit and always make payments on time. 

Is there anything that you can recommend? 

Please Help!


Finish Reading Article

DebtSmart® Resources

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All recipients of the DebtSmart® Email Newsletter signed up voluntarily for the newsletter via our website.

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The author(s), Press One Publishing, and DebtSmart.com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this email newsletter and/or at the DebtSmart.com web site. The information, methods and techniques described may not work for you and no recommendation is made to follow the same course of action. Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all content contained herein. However, there may be mistakes; typographical, mathematical, or in content. This email newsletter and the DebtSmart.com web site have been created for your entertainment only. You must always seek the proper professional advice before taking any financial or legal action. You have been warned.

Copyright ©2005 Press One Publishing. All rights reserved. Please do not reprint, or host on your web site, without explicit permission. However, if you found this newsletter helpful, we grant you permission, and strongly encourage you, to e-mail it to a business associate or a friend. Thank you.


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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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