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DebtSmart® Email Newsletter

ISSN 1538-6740
August 11, 2004 Issue 80

Tools for financial success! A Free Email Newsletter from DebtSmart Online and Press One Publishing.

Publisher: Scott Bilker

In this Issue
Cool Quote
Letter from the Publisher
Please Update Your Subscription Information
Debt is Deadly (My debt is the end of my days)
Survey: Your Advice for Nancy
Household Math™: Car per Hour
"A Valuable Book from Day One!"
10 Steps to Think "Outside the Box"
DebtSmart Help Center
Are You Afraid of a Budget
DebtSmart® Resources
Subscribe/Disclaimer Information

Cool Quote

"Even though I have no debt, lack of funds is initially why so many people can't pull through with their dreams, and I am not prepared to accept that."
--Sarah Pieper, 15-year-old DebtSmart Reader (Australia)

Quotes from all previous newsletters

Letter from the Publisher 
by Scott Bilker


This issue of the email newsletter contains a disturbing email from one of our readers. She's so upset about her debt that she's actually contemplating suicide. Her story, which she wanted to share with everyone, will make you rethink your own feeling about debt.

Other items, in no particular order...

Your Subscription Information
I've improved the security and efficiency of the email newsletter and do request that you help me by updating your subscription information.

Sometimes when things seem too good to be true they can actually be true! FreeCycle is an online community of people that recycle their stuff for free. If you want something, you simply ask. If you have something you want to give away, just let people know about it. I haven't done this yet, but, from what I've read, it looks very good! If you freecycle or decide to start, please let me know what happens. I will certainly be giving it a try as well.
Go to FreeCycle.org

CNNfn Interview on 7/13/04
CNN asked me back for another interview on "Your Money," hosted on this day by Gerri Willis, to discuss debt management and credit offers.
Watch the streaming video (Requires Windows Media Player 9 and cable modem connection)
See photos from the video


Please Update Your Subscription Information
by Scott Bilker

As always, I need your help to make DebtSmart better. When you signed up for the email newsletter, many people entered the optional personal information, which guides me in determining what to include at DebtSmart.com and in the Email Newsletter.

For the past couple weeks, I've been working to improve the organization of that information while increasing security. The result is that I've concluded it best to ask you to reenter that data if you subscribed prior to August 4, 2004.

Also, please let me know if you have any problems going through this process. This is the only way I'll know if there are bugs in the system.

Thanks for all your help! Please follow the below link to update the information about your subscription.

Debt is Deadly (My debt is the end of my days)
by Scott Bilker

My debt is the end of my days. I am 45 and had thought that by this time I would have my own home and a nice little mortgage. But life had other ideas. I'm married with two beautiful children....There will probably very soon come a night when I cannot handle the pressure of creditors...Due to a disability I am required to take many different medications. When the night comes no one would know that the amount or the mixture would be fatal. Only I would know. On this night I will go to sleep, my mind will go blank, my breath will cease to move within my chest and the constant pain in my heart will, at last, be gone. There will be a cause of death as accidental overdose. There will be a life insurance policy with my children named as equal benefactors.

Note to readers:
I've thought deeply about whether I should share this email, and my response, even though Nancy did give me permission to do so. In the end, I felt it important for all of us to see how people feel beyond the numbers, the money, and strategy of handling debt. How it affects ones psyche. How it affects ones emotions. And why we all need to learn from this.

This is the first time I've ever received an email like this. This email changed the way I think about everything. My hope is that by sharing her story, it will change how we all think about what we DO have and what's REALLY important in life.

Finish Reading Article

SURVEY: Your Advice for Nancy

Do you have something you want to say to Nancy? Something to help?

Please let me know by taking this survey

Household Math™: Car per Hour
by Scott Bilker

Janice has finally received her driver's license! She's a happy camper! Now it's time to get the car and go places with her friends. She's pretty smart about money and knows that she's going to need a decent job to support the car. She only has time to work 20 hours each week. She estimates that the car financing will cost $300 per month, gas $25 per week, auto insurance at $600 semiannually, and repairs and maintenance at $350 per year. How much per hour must she net just to pay for the car?

Answer this problem

"A Valuable Book from Day One!"

"I was shopping for a book that would help me with the credit card debt I have accumulated. I chose this book. It has proven to be very beneficial to me. It contains a large amount of information your banks don't want you to know. My first night of reading the book, I got up to about page 70 and made my first phone call, with the intent of gaining information about the account and possibly getting a fee reversed. I ended up getting a $50 credit to the account, relatively easily. I cannot praise this book enough! If you need to reduce your credit card debt, this book may very well be your solution."
--Monica Rice, PA

Read more about Scott's books

10 Steps to Think "Outside the Box"
by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Our amazing human brains truly enjoy problem solving. 

Problem solving not only builds mental muscle, it also helps you avoid memory loss as you grow older!

But sometimes a problem comes in the form of a pressing problem--the type that wakes you up at 3 o'clock in the morning in a cold sweat.

Wrestling with such a problem can make you smarter and stronger. But that does NOT make it 'fun' to have such a problem!

The Issue of Pressing Problems Pressing problems are 'pressing' because they come with an...

Finish Reading Article

DebtSmart Help Center 
by Scott Bilker


Helping you with your debt is very important to me personally! If you've been reading my articles, you know that I always encourage self-help as a first step. However, being buried in debt can be very overwhelming, which is why you may want to explore other options.

One of those options is professional, ongoing help with credit counselors. I've started to personally check out certain companies so I can recommend the ones that are worth considering!

If you would like to speak with a representative from a...

Read More at the DebtSmart Help Center

Are You Afraid of a Budget
by Terry Rigg

There's that horrifying word. The one that makes so many people cringe at it's very utterance. It seems like they could make a very good spooky movie with the title "You Have To BUDGET!"

Yeah, that's a little dramatic but I have been helping people with their personal finances for almost 30 years and it's not too far off base. The word scares the daylights out of some people.

You should see their faces when I tell them...

Finish Reading Article

DebtSmart® Resources

DebtSmart® Books, software, reports, in-print and downloads

Archive of DebtSmart® Email Newsletters online

How to use DebtSmart® articles FREE in your e-zine or on your web site

How to UPDATE your information, SUBSCRIBE, or UNSUBSCRIBE from this newsletter

All recipients of the DebtSmart® Email Newsletter signed up voluntarily for the newsletter via our website.

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Please contact comments@debtsmart.com with any comments, problems, or concerns.


The author(s), Press One Publishing, and DebtSmart.com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this email newsletter and/or at the DebtSmart.com web site. The information, methods and techniques described may not work for you and no recommendation is made to follow the same course of action. Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all content contained herein. However, there may be mistakes; typographical, mathematical, or in content. This email newsletter and the DebtSmart.com web site have been created for your entertainment only. You must always seek the proper professional advice before taking any financial or legal action. You have been warned.

Copyright ©2004 Press One Publishing. All rights reserved. Please do not reprint, or host on your web site, without explicit permission. However, if you found this newsletter helpful, we grant you permission, and strongly encourage you, to e-mail it to a business associate or a friend. Thank you.


Subscribe FREE and start finding new ways to save money and pay off your debt.

"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
<Photos and Video>
Art Fennell Reports
<Photos and Video>
CNN: CNN Newsroom
<Photos and Video>
CNN: American Morning
<Photos and Video>
ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
<Photos and Video>
<See all Television Interviews>

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