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Articles about "Spending"
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10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save Money 10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save Money
by Art Graham
Here are ten simple things you can do to save money: (1) Start clipping coupons from the Sunday paper and go online to find websites that offer printable coupons for Target, Wal-Mart and many local grocery stores. Yes, I know. Clipping coupons is a hassle. But if you take a few minutes each week to quickly go through the coupons to see which ones you’ll really use and then use them each time you go grocery shopping, you will save money. You can call around to your local grocery stores and ask if they double or triple the face value of coupons and on which days they do it. Go shopping on those days.
Chronic Debtor Help! Chronic Debtor Help!
by Scott Bilker
Scott, If one is an alcoholic there are so many places to turn for help. If there were a hospital for debtors I would check myself in immediately. I tried going to Spenders and Debtors support groups however, I was very discouraged by the fact that many people who were there had multiple addictions (mainly drug and alcohol). It didn't seem like an environment that would benefit me. Please help!--Michelle
Save Money Going Out Save Money Going Out
by Gregory Thomas
It seems as though whenever we go out for the night, it costs much more than we originally intended to spend. Having a 'night on the town' shouldn't cost you a whole weeks salary.
Household Math™: What does Jenna owe? Household Math™: What does Jenna owe?
by Scott Bilker
Jennafer read Scott Bilker's, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt and called her credit-card bank in the hopes of reducing her interest rate. Armed with the techniques from the book she was successful at reducing her rate by 5 percent to 9.9 percent! After doing the math she calculated that she would pay the debt back one year faster and save a total of $3,012! How much does she owe the bank--what is her balance now?
Household Math™: Debt Snowball (Myth or Magic): Paying Back Lower-Balance Cards First Household Math™: Debt Snowball (Myth or Magic): Paying Back Lower-Balance Cards First
by Scott Bilker
David Sheepsley has two credit cards with balances. Card A has a balance of $8,000 at 19.8% and minimum payments of $160 per month. Card B has a balance of $6,000 at 5.9% with minimum payments of $120 per month. David has a total of $400 per month to use for repaying his credit cards. What's the better plan for David?
Household Math™: Holiday Spending Household Math™: Holiday Spending
by Scott Bilker
Kim has decided to spend an average of $16 for gifts on each of her eight friends for the holidays. So far she's spent $17 on Scott, $14 on Ralph, $12 on Linda, $22 on Pete, $11 on Gary, and $20 on Grady. How much can she spend, on average, on her remaining two friends Mark and Tom?
Spendaholic Spendaholic
by Gary Foreman
Gary, I am 22 years old and I live in NYC. I am in some serious debt, which I have turned over to a debt consolidation company. I make a decent amount of money, however, I can't seem to keep it for more than a few hours. I end up spending my entire paycheck within the first day I have it....seriously. I am trying to find a support group in NYC, but am having no luck. I know I have a problem and I can't continue to live like this. --Donna
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