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Articles about "Self-Control"
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Is Your Money Leaking? Is Your Money Leaking?
by Diane Palmer
Does your budget have leaks?.. or would you rather not think about it. Most people don't realize how much money actually slips through their fingers in an average week. We are all working hard, trying to get somewhere and make a nice life, and in doing so, we don't pay much attention to the nickels, dimes, quarters and more that are slipping through our hands every day.
Simple Strategies to Eliminating Debt Simple Strategies to Eliminating Debt
by Stefano Grossi
If you've taken on more debt than you can handle, don't be discouraged. You're not alone. Thousands of Americans are in the same boat, with many of them carrying huge debt loads. It doesn't matter how much money you make. If you can't live within your means, you become a slave to your creditors. This article is by no means a comprehensive treatise on financial planning. Nonetheless, what follows are a few strategies to regain your financial freedom.
Just Say 'No' Just Say 'No'
by Gary Foreman
Many of us are old enough to remember Nancy Reagan's campaign against drugs. To this day I can still remember the slogan: just say 'no' to drugs. It clearly explained the goal with a simple to understand message. Saying 'no' could help you avoid pain and make your life better.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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