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Articles about "Financial Planning"
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Your Social Security Statement Your Social Security Statement
by Doris Dobkins
This week, I received in the mail my Social Security Statement. These annual reports are always very interesting to me as I'm anxious to know what the government will send me for my monthly income when I retire. Here's an example of what a typical Social Security Statement might...
Future Wealth Future Wealth
by Damien DelRusso
Like many people, I am interested in retirement, and what my finances will look like when I retire. Or, put another way, when my finances will allow me to retire. I've done a fair bit of study on the subject, reading books such as "The Wealthy Barber," "The Millionaire Next Door," and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," among other publications on debt, saving, and investing. One common theme, especially for those without huge incomes...
How Much? How Much?
by Gary Foreman
I understand that 25% of my monthly income should be for mortgage, taxes and insurance. How much should I plan for the remainder of my budget? There are two of us in our household. Is there a set formula? Also, if I plan to retire in the next 5 years, should I be carrying a mortgage for the sake of a tax write off?
Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt
by Damien DelRusso
Over the last year or so, I did a bit of financial reorganization. Without getting too far into the details, I'd like to recount the steps, as one or more may be helpful for others.
Getting Your Act Together Getting Your Act Together
by Doris Dobkins
If you want this to be the year where you finally straighten out your finances, read on. If your finances have been sinking you deeper and deeper into debt each month, here are some ideas to help you get your financial act together.
Refinancing And Your Credit Score Refinancing And Your Credit Score
by Gary Foreman
I purchased a 1999 Buick Regal right before Thanksgiving. The loan was for a 14.5% interest rate. I was told that I should wait at least one year before refinancing. If I did otherwise it would look bad in my credit for not staying with this company for at least a year. I am interested in shopping around to see if I can get a lower interest rate, but am uncertain due to the information that was given. Should I shop around or wait until a year has been completed?
So Far In Debt; Can't Seem To Breathe So Far In Debt; Can't Seem To Breathe
by Scott Bilker
Help please! I am so far in debt and can't seem to breathe. I have 6 credit cards and I am $25,000 in debt. I know you hear this all the time, I have been paying for over 2 years not charging anything and still can't get anywhere. I cut them 2 years ago, and called the companies to ask for a lower rate. They gave me like a year with low interest, and lower payments so my credit reports would not be hurt.
7 Tips For Giving Allowance 7 Tips For Giving Allowance
by Womens-Finance.com
An allowance will help your child learn money management, responsibility, values, goal setting, planning, and saving. These are valuable lessons in life and ones that will make your child a much happier, productive adult.
Make Payments For Son's Car Make Payments For Son's Car
by Scott Bilker
My son purchased a car for $15,000 at a high rate of interest. He's been paying for 32 months and he still owes $11,000. He has just been laid off and to top it off the car has blown the engine. I would like to help him pay the loan off to keep his credit rating but would like to negotiate the amount down. What are the chances? Would he be better off to let it be repossessed? This would be to nobody's advantage. Please advise.
Wanting a Newer Car Wanting a Newer Car
by Gary Foreman
My husband and I are in quite a bit of credit card debt and my husband wants a newer car. He says that his car won't last two more years. We are trying to save a little bit but we don't have any money to put down on a car. We have money to pay our bills which is not the problem. We just don't have a whole lot of money left over after paying our bills. What would you suggest we do about this situation?
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Money King Secrets
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