5 Ways to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
by Harrine Freeman
Over one million Americans file for personal bankruptcy every year. The average American household has 10 credit cards. People are living above their means. Americans are drowning in debt and the problem is getting worse. Many people are foreclosing on their homes and will be forced to live on the street because they are in so much debt.
Every Penny Counts--another thought
by Ron DebtSmart Reader
Thanks for your most recent newsletter article, Every Penny Counts. I am also of the mind that every penny does count, and that leads me to responding today. Since buying & reading your books, I've tightened my finances back up, and have a plan to get my cards paid off once again.
Debt Free: How I did it
by Cindy Campbell
About three years ago I sat down and knew for sure I was in debt. I had credit cards that were over the limit, due to me charging and charging, but not paying. I use to write checks at the grocery stores, for cash back, knowing I was going to be paid within a day or so, so I knew the money would be there when the check cleared, just not at the time it was written. I was so deep in debt.
Just Say 'No'
by Gary Foreman
Many of us are old enough to remember Nancy Reagan's campaign against drugs. To this day I can still remember the slogan: just say 'no' to drugs. It clearly explained the goal with a simple to understand message. Saying 'no' could help you avoid pain and make your life better.
Having a baby means more credit card debt for some Americans
by Amy L. Cooper-Arnold
A new baby—such a joyous occasion, and expectant parents often enjoy the process of planning for their arrival. Decorating the nursery, filling the closet with tiny outfits, stocking up on diapers, and test driving strollers are just a few of the things needed to be done before the great event.
Adults Living With Parents
by Gary Foreman
Experts estimate that one third of all singles in their 20's still live with their parents. Today I answer a question from a mother who's going under trying to support herself, her minor child, two adult children and a baby. The article looks at both the financial and emotional aspects of the situation. It runs 833 words and is copied below.
Household Math™: Average rate of return
by Scott Bilker
You haven't touched the money in your investment account for the past three years. The effective annual rate of return (how much the amount has changed over the entire year) has varied from year to year. The returns were: 7 percent gain in the first year, one percent gain in the second, and a 7.47 percent loss in the third. What is your average effective annual rate of return over that three-year period?
The Bills Can Wait
by Terry Rigg
Have you ever wanted anything so much that you were willing to put off your bills to get it? A lot of people have and some do it month after month. The worst part of this is that these same people wonder why they are having money problems.
Setting Your Financial Priorities
by Terry Rigg
Whether you know it or not, you are always setting your financial priorities. Some may decide that a new stereo system is more important than this month's electric bill. This may be a little off the wall but it is still setting your priorities. Anyone wanting to better manage their money would be wise to determine what their financial priorities are and stick to them. Of course, if you see that these priorities will not put food on the table and pay your bills then you will have to rethink your priorities.
Your Checking Account
by Terry Rigg
Checking accounts are an absolute necessity these days. You can either have a checking account or run to the bank or other outlet for money orders. Many people pay for almost everything with a check including groceries, gas, clothes and a long list of other things. When you add an ATM card to this picture, your chances for a potential problem is greatly enhanced.
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