Chase Bank Tries to Pull a Fast One
by Scott Bilker
How did Chase Bank attempt to trick me and maybe you? I strongly recommend that you read this entire article if you have ever done a balance transfer or you're thinking about doing a balance transfer! This article contains some details about my phone call to Chase Bank, copies of their letters, copies of my bank statement, and a response form so you can let me, and the world, know if this has ever happened to you!
Chase Bank Tries to Pull a Fast One (Conversation 1)
by Scott Bilker
Part 1: First Rep removes the overlimit fee and argues about the fee. Rep: "Card member services. This is Ms. Beers, how may I help you?" Scott: "Hi, what was your name again?"
Building Credit
by Gary Foreman
Dear Dollar Stretcher, I am a college student looking for a credit card. When I tell my parents this they say, "no, you don't need one". I feel that I am financially responsible and in control of my money. I am not looking to spend money I don't have but merely to build credit. I've read all about college kids in debt, etc. But what about the rest of us that are responsible and ready to start our lives? How do I even get a credit card? And is there any better way to build credit?
Chris Peruzzi vs. the Debt Counselors
by Chris Peruzzi
I've got SUCH a headache. If you ever want to see me lose my temper really fast, talk to me about my debt counseling company. I have never had to deal with such a band of galactic level screw-ups in my life. In a roundabout way, I would guess that they are doing the job they are supposed to be doing. They are curing me of any kind of desire to ever be in debt again.
Survey Results: Credit Card Offers
by Scott Bilker
How many credit offers did you receive in the mail today? It's the start of the New Year and the credit card banks are getting ready to steal your business from each other. We are going to benefit from this competition!
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt
by Scott Bilker
[DIAL-UP SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: Between Thanksgiving and Christmas people are going to spend $121.4 billion using their credit cards! How are you going to pay for the gifts? Credit cards of course! I'm sure many people are going to criticize me for even suggesting such an idea.
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt
by Scott Bilker
[HIGH SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: Between Thanksgiving and Christmas people are going to spend $121.4 billion using their credit cards! How are you going to pay for the gifts? Credit cards of course! I'm sure many people are going to criticize me for even suggesting such an idea.
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt
by Scott Bilker
This document is the text version of the video presentation. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas people are going to spend $121.4 billion using their credit cards! How are you going to pay for the gifts? Credit cards of course! I'm sure many people are going to criticize me for even suggesting such an idea.
Giving Up Your Rights--Without Knowing It!
by Scott Bilker
If you have a Capital One credit card, then I highly recommend you read this entire article! I just received a letter from Capital One informing me that "enclosed is an important legal notice regarding arbitration" and I need to "read the entire notice to fully understand its implications" to my account.
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