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Life After Credit Counseling Life After Credit Counseling
by Scott Bilker
I am currently going through credit counseling to erase a $4,000 debt on 3 cards. I have recently returned to full-time work after completing school and want to know what course I should follow while I pay off my debt to put myself in good standing with future creditors.
Make Them Compete Make Them Compete
by Scott Bilker
How do you lower the interest rate charged to something more reasonable???
Annual Fees Annual Fees
by Scott Bilker
Is it true that when you get a credit card offer that has a annual fee, it's not a good credit card?
Negotiating a Payoff Negotiating a Payoff
by Scott Bilker
I was told that I could call my older credit card banks, and "negotiate" a payoff of the account if I close the account. Is this true, and if so how will it impact my credit rating?
7 Steps For Eliminating Your Debt 7 Steps For Eliminating Your Debt
by Scott Bilker
Many people may say that shedding debt is common sense: "Pay for everything in cash and don't incur any debt." Yeah, sure, easily said when you have a household income of 70 to 80 thousand (and no kids). Obviously the best way to handle your finances is to pay for everything with cash. Not everyone has that luxury.
Every penny counts Every penny counts
by Scott Bilker
How many times have you walked out into the parking lot of a supermarket and spotted a penny on the ground? Plenty of times no doubt. You might bend over to pick one up if you see Lincoln staring at you, but for the most part you just keep walking by.
Reading the fine print in those low-rate credit card offers Reading the fine print in those low-rate credit card offers
by Scott Bilker
Taking advantage of low-rate offers is almost always a good idea. That's where the bulk of interest savings are found when you're managing your debt. However, there may be hidden costs that need to be uncovered before deciding to accept a seemingly good deal. It is imperative that you read through and understand the entire low-rate offer. I want to talk about the details you can expect to find in those low-rate credit card offers letters.
Payment order counts when saving money on your debt Payment order counts when saving money on your debt
by Scott Bilker
A big myth in credit card and loan repayment is to "start with the smallest debt" and work your way to the largest. The advice that one should "start with the smallest debt" when applying payments should never be used as a rule of thumb.
How to punish your credit card bank How to punish your credit card bank
by Scott Bilker
Has your credit-card bank ever made you angry? I mean really infuriated to the point where you just want a little revenge for how you were treated? The only problem is that you may feel at their mercy…like they're somehow superior. Well, you know what? They're not! No single bank has a monopoly on that "green paper" called money. It's time to show them that if they don't treat you like the good customer you are, you're going to take your business elsewhere—in a big way.
Consider Financing Your Next Car with a Credit Card Consider Financing Your Next Car with a Credit Card
by Scott Bilker
Buy a car with a credit card! Sound crazy? Well, just hear me out on this one.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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