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Your Finances Your Finances
by Terry Rigg
Which category do you fall in? (1) Family 1 has all the money they need for necessities and more and manage it very well, (2) Family 2 has all the money they need for necessities and more but live payday to payday with ever increasing debt, or (3) Family 3 doesn't have enough money even for necessities.
Disposable Credit Card Numbers Disposable Credit Card Numbers
by Rebecca Lindsey
Is online shopping really safe? Stories of high-tech hackers breaking into company databases on the Internet to steal customer information (such as credit card numbers) stop many people from making online purchases.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 8/31/01
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Advertisers Cool Debt Statistic Letter from the Publisher; "Manipulating the System" CONTEST RESULTS from 8/17/01 Contest and Survey Auto Lease Disposable Credit Card Numbers Your Finances; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Contest Results from 8/17/01 Email Newsletter Contest Results from 8/17/01 Email Newsletter
by Scott Bilker
You have an outstanding credit card balance of $5,500 at 15.99% APR (fixed) and you're making payments of $99.87 per month. You decide to save money by transferring this balance to an 9.99% APR (fixed) and keep making the same monthly payment of $99.87. How much money do you save?
Auto Lease Auto Lease
by Gary Foreman
I would like some advice on how to sell, trade-in or otherwise get rid of a car. The lease is up in 2004. The last car dealer I spoke to told me that I needed to wait for the lease to be up in order to trade down. He said...
Coping with Financial Stress Coping with Financial Stress
by Debra Vaughn
When it comes to reasons behind stress, concerns about money top the list. We worry about not having enough, spending too much, not saving enough - even having more money than we can handle. Money related stress, can be bad for both your mental and physical health.
Scott, you have too many credit cards! Scott, you have too many credit cards!
by Scott Bilker
I read your article in which you state that you have 80 or so credit cards. I'm not sure why this is advantageous. I have cancelled all but one card which I pay in full each month and by no means see my "options" (to get into debt, I guess) as being restricted.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 8/17/01
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Advertisers Cool Debt Statistic Letter from the Publisher; CONTEST RESULTS from 8/3/01 Why Budgets Don't Work Contest and Survey Scott; You Have Too Many Credit Cards Coping with Financial Stress Auction Corner College Credit Reverse Mortgages; Subscribe Information
Reverse Mortgages Reverse Mortgages
by Federal Trade Commission
If you are age 62 or older and are "house-rich, cash-poor," a reverse mortgage (RM) may be an option to help increase your income.
College Credit College Credit
by Gary Foreman
Dear Dollar Stretcher, I just finished reading another article about credit card offers to college students that likened credit card company representatives to drug pushers and I agree. Is there no way to make the credit card companies responsible for the unreasonable risks they accept when they offer credit to college students?
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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