Looking for the Best Mortgage?
by Federal Trade Commission
Shopping around for a home loan or mortgage will help you to get the best financing deal. A mortgage-whether it's a home purchase, a refinancing, or a home equity loan-is a product, just like a car, so the price and terms may be negotiable. You'll want to compare all the costs involved in obtaining a mortgage. Shopping, comparing, and negotiating may save you thousands of dollars.
Car Dealers
by Scott Bilker
I know that you have used these examples to help people learn and to be aware but you have also just made every car dealer in the country a crook.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/26/01
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Advertisers Note from the Publisher; Cool Debt Statistic; DebtSmart Resources; Reader Q & A: Car Dealers Frightening Future Credit Card Savings Make "Lemonade" From a Lemon Looking For the Best Mortgage?; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Make "Lemonade" from a Lemon
by Debra Vaughn
After browsing several dealerships in one day, I found two vans that I liked at two different dealerships. Here is how I got a van that is practically brand new for $8,999.00. The best part about it is, you can do it too!
The Do's and Don'ts of Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy
by Paula Langguth Ryan
Bankruptcy is the hardest financial decision you'll ever face. It can be a fresh start, or it can be the start of the biggest financial nightmare ever. To make sure you truly get a fresh start after bankruptcy, follow these "Do's and Don'ts"
I Wasn't Paying Attention: Where Does My Money Go and How Can I Get Some Back?
by Janet Hall
Tracking, planning, and "overhalling" your hard earned money can help you reach any financial goals that you have, help you in getting out of debt, and help you gain back control of your money, your future, and your life.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/14/01
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Advertisers Cool Debt Statistic Letter from the Publisher; Excerpt from "Credit Card and Debt Management" CONTEST RESULTS from 8/17/01 (Fuzzy Math) The Do's and Don'ts of Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy Single Parent Homeowner I Wasn't Paying Attention: Where Does My Money Go and How Can I Get Some Back?; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Single Parent Homeowner
by Gary Foreman
I am in the process of a divorce and want to keep the family home. Are there any programs out there for single parents that would offer a more favorable interest rate for re-financing?
CONTEST RESULTS from 8/31/01 (Fuzzy Math)
by Scott Bilker
Which loan is better and why? Loan 1: $100,000.00, 30-year loan, with monthly payments of $665.31, or Loan 2: $100,000.00, 15-year loan, with monthly payments of $1,014.27.
Manipulating the System
by Scott Bilker
It's Friday night and the phone rings... you know the call, it's late, the last bite of my dinner being chewed, all you want to do is watch TV and relax. Guess who's calling? Yes, it's a mortgage company that's trying to sell me a refinance deal!
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