Pickup Payments
by Scott Bilker
Mr. Bilker, I really enjoy reading your newsletter and have gotten several good tips from it. My problem is that I have a 2000 dodge pickup on which I owe about $13,000 on and it is only worth around $9,000. I am about halfway through a five-year loan and am paying $524.00 a month. I married recently and am having a baby soon so I need to find a way to either get rid of this pickup or lower the payments. What would you recommend? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you. Tracy
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/29/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Pickup Payments; Free software with phone savings; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Pool House Rock Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! 7 Tips for Giving Allowances; DebtSmart® Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Payday Loans = Costly Cash; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores
by Scott Bilker
Hi, Scott, FICO scores seem like the king of the credit world, and the scoring system is so secret and counterintuitive that it's frightening to me to make ANY changes with my credit card "portfolio". I'm eager to pursue more of your advice, but am terrified of damaging my credit score (which is in the low-mid 700's)....Thanks again! Love your stuff. Judd
Yard Sale Etiquette
by Nancy Twigg
Just call me the Miss Manners of garage sales. You see, I believe there's a certain moral and ethical code governing the sacred act of selling and buying secondhand stuff. Contrary to popular belief, a yard sale is not an anything-goes, no-etiquette-needed free-for-all. As in any social situation, there are certain things you do or avoid doing in order to be polite.
Your Checking Account
by Terry Rigg
Checking accounts are an absolute necessity these days. You can either have a checking account or run to the bank or other outlet for money orders. Many people pay for almost everything with a check including groceries, gas, clothes and a long list of other things. When you add an ATM card to this picture, your chances for a potential problem is greatly enhanced.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/15/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores; Free software with phone savings; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: A Penny Paid Is More Than a Penny Earned Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; DebtSmart® Help Center; Yard Sale Etiquette "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Your Checking Account; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Household Math™: Semiannual Mortgage Payoff
by Scott Bilker
I purchased property for $27,515.00 at 7.5% for 8 years on a semiannual payment of $2318.00, the first year three payments were made of $2,318.00; we have paid three years so far. This year, on our due date, we would like to payoff the mortgage. What will the amount due be?
Choosing a debt counselor
by Scott Bilker
Scott, I am interested in finding out about credit counseling...an overview of what it entails and how to choose a person or organization. Questions to ask and what to look for. I need outside, ongoing help with changing my habits in regard to money. Your help is much appreciated. Heather
Can an unpaid cellular phone bill be reported on my credit report?
by Scott Bilker
Scott, Can an unpaid cellular phone bill be reported on my credit report? I am in a dispute with a cell company over a bill that was paid by check and not credited to my account. Thank you for your help. Theresa
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/1/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Choosing a debt counselor How to save money on your phone service within minutes!; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Semiannual Mortgage Payoff Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Rating your credit card; Can an unpaid cellular phone bill be reported on my credit report?; DebtSmart® Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Disposable Credit Card Numbers; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
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