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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/8/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Credit and Debt Statistics Database; Letter from the publisher; Learn more about Scott Bilker speaking at your association, library, school, etc.?; DebtSmart® Financial Compatibility Test; "Awesome results with your book!"; Household Math™: Sale or gas savings?; Nightmare on Debt Street: A Debt Reduction Story; More credit, more options; DebtSmart® Help Center; Book Review: "Credit Scores & Credit Reports"; DebtSmart® Mortgage Comparison Calculator; Protecting Your Credit--The FACT Act in Layman's Terms ; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Advertising
Book Review: Book Review: "Credit Scores & Credit Reports"
by Scott Bilker
Your credit report is your financial résumé. Everyone is looking at it. From employers to landlords to creditors--even insurance agents. And they're judging you based on your report and score. A good report and score can mean saving thousand of dollars in interest, getting that apartment, and landing your dream job.
Protecting Your Credit--The FACT Act in Layman's Terms Protecting Your Credit--The FACT Act in Layman's Terms
by Amy L. Cooper-Arnold
Do you know all the implications of identity theft? Do you know that an imposter can open lines of credit, drain your bank account, file for bankruptcy, get an ID card, get a job, and even be arrested all in your name? All the missed payments an imposter doesn't make are reported in your credit file causing your credit score to suffer.
Refinancing your mortgage Refinancing your mortgage
by Scott Bilker
This document is the transcribed version of the video presentation. There are two streaming version available to view online. Both these version are in both the Windows Media Player format and the RealPlayer format. Additionally, there are two download speeds available for both versions for dial-up and high-speed Internet connections.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/25/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Credit and Debt Statistics Database; Letter from the publisher; Video Library Presentation: Refinancing your mortgage; "We are very excited because your advice works!"; Household Math™: Shopping Sale; Terminating automatic bills; More credit, more options; DebtSmart® Help Center; 6 Steps to Better Credit; DebtSmart® Mortgage Comparison Calculator; 10 Credit Myths; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Advertising
Refinancing your mortgage Refinancing your mortgage
by Scott Bilker
[HIGH SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: You should always be thinking about refinancing because your mortgage is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make. Notice that I didn't say your house was the most expensive purchase. That's because when you took a mortgage you purchased that money to pay for the house. The purchase of that money is paid by the interest charges.
Terminating automatic bills Terminating automatic bills
by Gary Foreman
I requested that my credit card account be closed in June. In November I received a bill for $110 for automated charges that go through once a year. The credit card company said that it was my responsibility to request that these charges stop going through. The problem is that I can't get through to these companies to have these charges stopped. I had actually requested that one of these companies stop charging my card and they did not.
6 Steps to Better Credit 6 Steps to Better Credit
by Gerri Detweiler
If you are resolving to hop off that debt treadmill or get your credit in order in 2006, here are my tips to help you succeed: 1. Review your statements: If you have run up larger balances than usual, your credit score may take a dip after the holidays. And that could trigger an increase in your interest rate on your major credit cards. Check your statements to confirm your rate. If it's higher than you think you deserve...
Refinancing your mortgage Refinancing your mortgage
by Scott Bilker
[DIAL-UP SPEED] DebtSmart Video Library Presentation: You should always be thinking about refinancing because your mortgage is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make. Notice that I didn't say your house was the most expensive purchase. That's because when you took a mortgage you purchased that money to pay for the house. The purchase of that money is paid by the interest charges.
Rising minimum payments Rising minimum payments
by Scott Bilker
Hi Scott!, I have really enjoyed reading all your great info about credit card debt. However, all this talk about rising minimum payments from 2 percent to 4 percent has got me worried. I'd like to plan for additional purchases like a new car before winter but I am unsure of my financial situation if my payments jump to 4 percent. I've called my banks for an answer but they have only told me they are in the process of determining whom these changes will affect. How can I find out what the future holds for me so I can move forward in my financial planning? Thanks so much far any assistance with this one! John
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