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Every Penny Counts--another thought Every Penny Counts--another thought
by Ron DebtSmart Reader
Thanks for your most recent newsletter article, Every Penny Counts. I am also of the mind that every penny does count, and that leads me to responding today. Since buying & reading your books, I've tightened my finances back up, and have a plan to get my cards paid off once again.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/9/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; Problems with balance transfers; VIDEO: Debit vs. Credit; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Accidentally late indeed; STATISTICS: Late Accounts Up; "Your books should be required reading..."; Household Math(tm): Cutting the budget; Every Penny Counts--another thought; DebtSmart® Column for your use in-print, ezine, or website; DebtSmart® books and software, and other products; Update Your Email Address, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 12/26/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; Every penny counts; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Making frugality a family affair; STATISTICS: Past Payment Performance; "A Ray of Sunshine"; Household Math(tm): A Penny Paid Is More Than a Penny Earned; Smokin' Van: Options for that expensive car repair; DebtSmart® Column for your use in-print, ezine, or website; DebtSmart® books and software, and other products; Update Your Email Address, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 12/12/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; One Day Late, Yeah Right; Helping American Families Keep Their Homes; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Budget Leftovers; STATISTICS: Credit Utilization; "A Ray of Sunshine"; Household Math(tm): Debt Snowball (Myth or Magic); Write your financial profile; DebtSmart® Column for your use in-print, ezine, or website; DebtSmart® books and software, and other products; Update Your Email Address, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Disclaimer Information
Helping American Families Keep Their Homes Helping American Families Keep Their Homes
by George Bush
President Bush announced that representatives of HOPE NOW have developed a plan under which up to 1.2 million homeowners could be eligible for assistance. Many individual homeowners feeling financial stress have "adjustable rate mortgages," which typically start with a lower interest rate and then reset to a higher rate after a few years.
Money Saving Holiday Gift Ideas Money Saving Holiday Gift Ideas
by Scott Bilker
The holiday season is here! If you went shopping last Friday, Black Friday, then I’m sure you noticed the rush to spend money! Since you will have to spend, you need to spend smart. Spending smart to me means getting a high quality gift at a great price. You don’t have to empty the bank to deliver expensive gifts to family and friends. It is the thought that counts. That being said, here are some suggested gifts for this season.
Three Reasons You Should NEVER Own a Debit Card Three Reasons You Should NEVER Own a Debit Card
by Scott Bilker
Debit cards have become a very popular way to pay for everything from fast food to rental cars. The Federal Reserve reports that debit card transactions have been growing more than 20 percent annually and have surpassed credit card transactions.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 11/28/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; Money Saving Holiday Gift Ideas; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Three Reasons You Should NEVER Own a Debit Card; STATISTICS: Family Income; "Thanks for inspiring me..."; Household Math(tm): Choosing a Selling Price; 5 Tips for Protecting Your Checking Account; DebtSmart® Column for your use in-print, ezine, or website; DebtSmart® books and software, and other products; Update Your Email Address, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Disclaimer Information
5 Tips for Protecting Your Checking Account 5 Tips for Protecting Your Checking Account
by Federal Reserve
Don’t give your account number and bank routing information to anyone you don’t know. Give out your account information for transactions only if you are familiar with the company you are dealing with. And if you have not done business with a company before, give out account information only if you have initiated the transaction.
Negotiation Success in Dubai Negotiation Success in Dubai
by Ria Mendoza
I never thought I'd be emailing you because sometimes I find that the tips and tricks you send out do not apply to me because it seems more complicated than my actual finances. You see, there are no taxes here in Dubai, no 401k-funds either but I enjoy reading your money tips and tricks and how-to’s on dealing with banks.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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