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Articles written by Kyle Busch
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Fuel Efficient Vehicles Fuel Efficient Vehicles
by Kyle Busch
The hybrids cost about $5,000 above the all gasoline cars. The hybrids have most all of the components of a gasoline car plus the electrical components.
Lowering Vehicle Repair Costs Lowering Vehicle Repair Costs
by Kyle Busch
The cost of vehicles and their related repairs are expensive. Although the tips provided in this article will not eliminate such expenses, they will help you to take control of vehicle repairs and thus lower their costs.
Higher Fuel Prices? Wheels That Will Keep You Rolling Higher Fuel Prices? Wheels That Will Keep You Rolling
by Kyle Busch
The cost of transportation can be expensive, and higher fuel prices do not help matters. The following vehicles have good ratings, and they will help to stretch your fuel dollars.
Smokin' Van: Options for that expensive car repair Smokin' Van: Options for that expensive car repair
by Kyle Busch
Have you ever been in the tough position of owning a vehicle that is not worth too much money but that needs an expensive repair? Maybe you have recently even dumped some pretty good change into the vehicle for items like new tires, a battery, a muffler, etc. And now it needs a major repair! You realize that...
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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