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Saturday, July 27, 2024   
Articles written by Debra Vaughn
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Make Make "Lemonade" from a Lemon
by Debra Vaughn
After browsing several dealerships in one day, I found two vans that I liked at two different dealerships. Here is how I got a van that is practically brand new for $8,999.00. The best part about it is, you can do it too!
Coping with Financial Stress Coping with Financial Stress
by Debra Vaughn
When it comes to reasons behind stress, concerns about money top the list. We worry about not having enough, spending too much, not saving enough - even having more money than we can handle. Money related stress, can be bad for both your mental and physical health.
10 Reasons People Overspend 10 Reasons People Overspend
by Debra Vaughn
By talking to people, conducting surveys, and helping people throughout the years, I have made a list of ten reasons for overspending that I hear most often. Take a look to see if you fall in line with one or more of these causes to indulge.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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