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Articles written by Art Graham
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10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save Money 10 Simple Things You Can Do To Save Money
by Art Graham
Here are ten simple things you can do to save money: (1) Start clipping coupons from the Sunday paper and go online to find websites that offer printable coupons for Target, Wal-Mart and many local grocery stores. Yes, I know. Clipping coupons is a hassle. But if you take a few minutes each week to quickly go through the coupons to see which ones you’ll really use and then use them each time you go grocery shopping, you will save money. You can call around to your local grocery stores and ask if they double or triple the face value of coupons and on which days they do it. Go shopping on those days.
How to control your spending How to control your spending
by Art Graham
In order to control your unnecessary spending, it helps to understand why you spend. Spending money is often not the problem, it is often the symptom of something else. Let's take a look at three reasons people spend money and see if we can find ways to control them. When I was in grad school, I was sitting in an accounting class one day, and Vicki, who sat in front of me, turned around and asked me how my day was going.
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NBC 10 News:
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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