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Friday, April 19, 2024   
Articles written by Curtis Arnold
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Q and A with the authors of Q and A with the authors of "Complete Idiot's Guide to Peer to Peer Lending," Curtis Arnold and Beverly Blair Harzog
by Curtis Arnold
Peer to peer lending has really taking off in the past 12 months or so due to several factors. The credit crunch has really restricted the availability of traditional bank loans and other forms of traditional credit, such as credit cards. As a result, consumers are increasingly turning to other sources for credit and peer to peer lending has emerged as a viable source of credit.
How to profit from cash-back credit cards How to profit from cash-back credit cards
by Curtis Arnold
A little extra cash in your pocket sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Maybe you could use it for a nice dinner out on your birthday, a movie night out with that special someone, a rainy-day shopping spree, college savings for you or your child, or even a way to help pay down your debt. For all these reasons, and thousands of others you can imagine, a cash-back credit card might be the perfect fit for your wallet.
Discover Card Consumer Survey Shows we're Upbeat about our Personal Finances, but… Discover Card Consumer Survey Shows we're Upbeat about our Personal Finances, but…
by Curtis Arnold
In May, Discover launched a new research program, the "Spending Confidence Monitor," with Rasmussen Reports, a well-known, independent survey research firm. Together, they're planning to survey lots of us every month--they interviewed 500 consumers daily (15,000 total) in August alone.
Using online credit card calculators as a personal finance tool Using online credit card calculators as a personal finance tool
by Curtis Arnold
The Web has greatly enhanced the availability of helpful resources pertaining to personal finance. Online financial calculators are a perfect example of how the Web is aiding consumers in making wise choices about credit. Online calculators are becoming increasingly popular financial tools and, while calculators are quite "user-friendly", there are some tips that consumers should consider when using calculators.
America's Love Affair with Credit Card Rewards and Rebates!
by Curtis Arnold
February...the month conjures up images up puppy love, romantic escapes, and red roses. Granted, credit cards are typically not viewed as being very romantic :), but America's "love affair" with credit cards that offer rewards and rebates remains strong.
Cash Advance Pitfalls Cash Advance Pitfalls
by Curtis Arnold
Credit card cash advances can provide consumers with convenient and instant access to "cold cash" in times of financial need, but cash advances should be avoided if at all possible.
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