Have you heard this one? A graphic designer
working on a high school yearbook mixed the heads and bodies of students. The
yearbook company said that it was an "honest mistake." They said the high school
required them to make heads the same size and eyes at the same level in all
photos, but they clearly went too far. This is a case where digital switching didn’t turn out to be profitable
because the graphic design company had to pay to reprint all the yearbooks. So what does this have to
do with your credit cards?
The graphic designer took switching to a new
level. And I’m saying to you that we need to take switching our credit cards to
a new level if we want keep our money.
I always switch up which credit cards I use. Not
forever. Just for a while. That’s because I don’t want any bank to get cozy with
my business. I want them on their toes. Plus, I want to get the lowest rates. And
you can too.
I get furious when banks take advantage of me
jacking up my rates just because they can. My credit score is 805, and they still
mess with me. They still charge me late fees or overlimit fees. I get those fees
reversed, but that takes time. Now here comes the good part.
Because I have so many credit cards, I’m always in
a position to stick it the banks. I punish them at will! Not only do I transfer
my balance from one card to another, I’ll use different cards for purchases as
well. The key to being able to do this is to have credit options. You need to
have a few lines of credit. Let me explain.
First of all, if you’re maxed out on one card,
you’re trapped if you don’t have other cards. If that bank raises your rate,
it’s going to take time to get a new card to transfer that balance. Every day
that goes by is a day the banks are charging you interest. For example.
If you owe $10,000, and the bank jacks your rate
to 21%, you’re paying almost $6 per day in interest. So, if it takes 45 days to
get a new card, it cost you nearly $300. Yikes, that’s expensive. So what can
you do?
Well, if you have high interest rate debt, you
should be looking to transfer that balance right now. I mean this very moment
(and I’ll get to that in a second). Also, you should be sure to have a few
credit cards with a zero balance so you can switch to them if any other banks try
to take advantage of you. Okay, here’s what to do.
I have a powerful list of credit cards that I
would recommend you apply for online right now. You can find it at
Many people have asked me, “Are these the best
banks.” Well, no...and yes. That’s because all these banks have been good to me
or bad to me at some point in time. By having many cards, and using them against
each other, I am able to maintain low rates. In fact, I haven’t paid one cent in
interest payments for almost ten years.
Get a new card, use it to transfer your balances,
use it to punish other banks, and use it responsibly, and you will profit. Now
that’s a switch that works! Here’s one important tip.
When applying for new lines of credit
online, or on an application, be sure to do a balance transfer during the online
application process because this increases your chances of getting approved for the card.
This may be all it takes to get past the application process, so grab your
credit card statements and start applying for new cards now!