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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Scott BilkerHi,

Have you noticed that most finance columnists answer questions that deal with personal debt? The reason is that consumer indebtedness is out of control and people are crying for help!

The Federal Reserve recently reported that consumer debt is at its highest level in history. Bankruptcy laws have been reformed. Your readers need expert help! They are relying on you to provide the information they need to stay one step ahead, financially!

You can deliver that help at NO COST with my well-known, and popular, DebtSmart® Column! There are no catches; the column is FREE to you (sign up here)!

I started writing the biweekly DebtSmart® Column seven years ago to show people how to take control of their creditors instead of being at the mercy of their banks. Since then, the column, website, and my books, have grown to become some of the most referenced resources for money-saving information.

My articles and books have been helping people for over a decade! That's why they're recommended by CNN, PBS, NBC news, Money Magazine, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, SmartMoney, The Wall Street Journal, Consumer Reports, and many more! If fact, Money magazine's, Jean Chatzky devoted a full-page article about how my latest book saved reader Jill King $1,000 per year!

Nothing jazzes me more than hearing from my readers about how much money they are saving. Smarter consumers force banks to give the best offers--this benefits everyone!

Please complete the online sign-up form to start receiving fresh columns when they become available!

This web page contains detailed information about my background, books, column samples, media mentions, TV appearances, published columns, reader comments, and more.

You can get started by publishing any/all of the sample columns on this page! 

You can reach me with any questions at (609) 660-0682 or by email to


Scott Bilker
Press One Publishing/
Tel: (609) 660-0682
Fax: (609) 660-1412

Consumer Demand is Growing

Credit card debt is at an all-time high! Bankruptcy law has been reformed! Credit counseling services are as overwhelmed with new clients as the general public is with their debt! People are looking everywhere for help! Banks are taking advantage of credit card holders with penalty rates as high as 29.99% and late fees of $39! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg in the fleecing of consumers.

People want guidance in this area—they are in search of credible advice. I receive dozens of email questions each week from readers! Topics that span a broad range of money management issues, including consumer spending and financing, lending and borrowing from friends and family without hurting relationships, starting your own business, buying your first home, making money with your credit cards, etc.

Author Background

Scott Bilker, author of the best-selling books, Credit Card and Debt Management, How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart, and Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, is the creator of 

He is an electrical engineer, with a B.S. from Newark College of Engineering, and a member of Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society). He is also currently serving as an elected Board of Education member in Barnegat, NJ.

Scott has spent the past 13+ years finding great credit deals and saving thousands of dollars for himself and others. His credit card advice has been featured in several magazines, newspapers, and online resources including Money Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, Reader's Digest, CNN/Money,, CBS Marketwatch, Woman's World, The Motley Fool, Men's Health, Woman's Day, The San Francisco Chronicle, Greensburg Tribune-Review, The Sun, and Valley Voice. Plus, his free DEBTSMART® EMAIL NEWSLETTER is continuously helping consumers find their best borrowing options.

Scott has also appeared on CNNfn's Your Money with Ali Velshi, PBS's Take Note with Patty Satalia, WB 17's Community Close-Up (WPHL-TV Philadelphia) with Dorie Lenz, the Extra Help Channel's In the Money with J. J. Burns (C.F.P.), and CN8's Family Talk with Mary Amoroso.

Plus, he's been interviewed on more than 1,000 radio stations (coast-to-coast, in Canada, and the UK) including National Public Radio's (NPR) Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep, WSJ Radio, The Wall Street Journal This Morning with Michael Wallace, WFAN (NY) with Bob Salter, KFMB (San Diego) with Jeff & Jer, and Talk America Network's It's Your Money with Dr. William Bailey.

Media Mentions

CBS Marketwatch (January 18, 2005)
NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Valentine's Day is fast approaching and, as unromantic as it may sound, your relationship may benefit from some money talk. Scott Bilker, author of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt" and founder of the financial-advice Web site DebtSmart, says disagreements about money are one of the leading causes of divorce. "Money is such a big part of your life," he says. "People don't really want to believe that, but it's true."...
Click here to read this article (December 28, 2004)
The Credit Card King (Scott Bilker) by Aleksandra Todorova
Click here to read this article

Money Magazine (June 2004)
Article about Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt and
Click here to read this article

Money Magazine (August 2004)
Jill King buys my latest book and saves $1,000 per year! Full-page article.
Click here to read this article

Wall Street Journal Mention (April 25, 2004)
Click here to read this article

Reader's Digest (August 2003)
Sidebar, "Is that Deal for Real?"
Click here to read this article

Woman's World (August 12, 2003)
I'm mentioned in this publication quite frequently. This issue is a full article titled, "The magic phone call that can slash  $2,880 off your credit card bills."
Click here to read this article

Newsweek (February 9, 2004)
Easing the Cash Crunch

Click here to read this article

Upcoming Media
Quick & Simple Magazine (Hearst 8/2005)
AAPR Magazine (9/2005)

NOTE: These posted mentions represent only a handful of the media mentions for all books and

Radio and TV

Today in New York (8/25/05)
Kids & Credit with Roseanne Colletti
Watch this interview now with Windows Media Player 9 streaming for cable
See pictures from the interview

NBC 10, Philadelphia (2/23/05)
Consumer Alert with Tracy Davidson
Watch this interview now with Windows Media Player 9 streaming for cable
See pictures from the interview

CNNfn, New York (July 13, 2004)
Your Money with Gerri Willis
Watch this interview now with Windows Media Player 9 streaming for cable
See pictures from the interview

CNNfn, New York (June 21, 2004)
Your Money with Ali Velshi
Watch this interview now with Windows Media Player 9 streaming for cable
See pictures from the interview

National Public Radio (June 8, 2004)
Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep
Listen to this NPR interview

Complete list of radio and television interviews

Complete list of television interviews with photos

Sample Columns

Please complete the online sign-up form to start receiving fresh columns when they become available!

So Far in Debt; Can't Seem to Breathe (623 words)

One Day Late, yeah right! (527 words)

Collection Company after 23-Year-Old-Debt (547 words)

Helping Daughter with Debt (632 words)

What Happened to the Other Dollar? (290 words)

Credit Card Balance Transfers (638 words)

Debt Snowball (Myth or Magic): Paying Back Lower-Balance Cards First (541 words)

Consolidating Credit Cards to One Account (495 words)

Weekly or monthly payments? (392 words)

Buying a House after Bankruptcy (312 words)

What is better? Fewer Cards with High Balances, or Many Cards with Smaller Balances? (487 words)

List of recently released columns...

Published Columns

7 Steps to Eliminate Your Debt published at

Opportunities from Credit Rejection published at

10 Credit Myths published in Your Money Report

7 Steps to Eliminate Your Debt published in HERO Magazine

5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Debt published at

"Credit Surfing" saves you money published in the Albany Journal

"Credit Surfing" saves you money published in the MCCC Advantage

NOTE: These are only a few of the many articles published in print and online. If you want to see more published articles, please contact me and I'll get more to you right away.

Reader Comments about the DebtSmart® Column

"Your articles are easy to read and follow, although they contain a lot of detail. You have a talent for being able to tell people complicated things without making them seem stupid, or the goal unattainable. I think most of us are financially lazy--we would rather keep on in our rut than change--but then along come articles like yours that shock us into motion. I find you to be 'on the cutting edge' when it comes to financial matters--I always end up pushing myself to do something more when I have read your articles."
—Elaine Wente

"GREAT! I really found a goldmine when I found DebtSmart. Inspired by what I read, I applied for a 0% for 12-month credit card and have already maxed it by transferring from my HELOC for the beginning of my interest-free year. It will save me over $200! Thanks!"
—Paul Hammond, Huntsville, AL

"I want to thank you for your informative articles and the guidance that it gives to us out in the world."—Kim in Ottawa, Canada

"The advice is practical and down to earth. Thanks to tips I got from reading your newsletter in previous years, I am repaying my debts with low monthly payments interest free! DebtSmart is full of great ideas and handy hints. Everyone who ever struggled with credit will find at least one idea to help them climb out of debt and live debt free eventually."—Karen Cournoyea

"Thanks for your informative article on biweekly mortgages. It really helped to open my eyes when I was considering one."—Kevin Harvey

NOTE: These are just four of the hundreds of responses I receive about my articles and web site.

Book Ranks and Statistics

My latest book, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, had its best ranking at at 1,208.
See all reviews for this book

My first book, Credit Card and Debt Management, had its best ranking at at 1,064.
See all reviews for this book

My second book, How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart, had its best ranking at at 5,498.
See all reviews for this book

All these books are bestsellers in's "credit repair" category. Their best ranking here are 3, 7, and 13 respectively. 

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