Saturday, July 27, 2024

Terry Rigg's review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt" by Scott Bilker
by Terry Rigg
Terry Rigg is the editor of the Budget Stretcher Newsletter. The Budget Stretcher Newsletter is published monthly and is loaded with information that will save you time and money everyday. Go to for more information.

Terry Rigg

I give this book my full recommendation! 

I've never seen a more detailed how-to book. If you have a credit card, you need this book!

I think Scott outdid himself on this one. Almost everyone I know, and myself included, has been intimidated by credit card banks. To have an actual script to follow for all situations will be a godsend to a lot of people.

Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt is the one book that every credit card holder should have. There's no reason for us to pay the high interest and late fees these banks charge. Now, with Scott's book, we don't have to.

The majority of people that have credit cards have had to deal with the credit card banks at one time or the other. When you deal with these banks you get the feeling that there is nothing anybody can do about anything.

While reading Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, I started to realize where I was making my mistakes dealing with the banks. I plan to use some of these tactics on my own credit card banks. 

In fact this book made me review my statements and, believe it or not, I found a charge of over $29 for credit card protection I hadn't asked for. I got it stopped and will be working on getting a refund for three past charges.

Who would have ever thought about a training manual for the rest of us to use when trying to get a problem solved concerning our credit cards? Well, the answer to that is Scott Bilker and I'm certainly glad that he did--it took him years to compile this information.

As you start reading Scott's book you will discover ways to start reducing your debt immediately. He even tells you what to say when you are trying to settle with a credit card bank at less than the full balance. How many of us would know what to say?

I don't know about you but I'm going to be on the phone to my credit card banks on a regular basis thanks to Scott.

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