Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adventures of the Debt Daredevil: Car on Credit
by Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker is the author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, Credit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. He's also the founder of More about and DebtSmart can be found in the online media kit.

Scott Bilker 

Click above on the button to play the Debt Daredevil theme song. To stop or pause play, click on the button.

One page, printer-friendly PDF of the entire comic strip.



Article by Scott Bilker, Consider Financing Your Next Car with a Credit Card

History of the Debt Daredevil.

One page, printer-friendly PDF of the entire comic strip

Illustrated by

Chris is majoring in illustration at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD). You can reach Chris at

Music by

Matt has been featured on MTV. Currently, he's playing with Matt Fisher & the Telephone Junkies mostly on the East Coast. 

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