From: "Scott Bilker"
Subject: DebtSmart Email Newsletter 12/10/13

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DebtSmart       ISSUE #244  
Email Newsletter  
  December 10, 2013  

Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker, founder of DebtSmart

There's always a bunch of advice out there about how to pay your debts back--especially which to pay back first--high rate or low balance. I do hope the below math problem solves this debate. :)


Hidden Trap(s) Buried in Student Loan Payoff Protocols
by Tom Layson

Up to now, the media and the government seems happy to ignore the student debt crisis as it relates to parents. We’ve heard all about the difficulties students and grandparents face, but parents are generally left out of the conversation.

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4 Reasons to Rent to College Students
by Tali Wee of Zillow

College campuses consist of a wide variety of rental properties, from high rises to multi-family homes. Each year, students must solidify their living arrangements in order to finish their schooling. When one class graduates, hundreds of new potential leaseholders move into town. It may be intimidating at first, but renting out space to students comes with unassuming benefits.

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How Couples Can Learn to Talk About Money
by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury

Many people find discussing money to be awkward or complicated, but engaging in money conversations is an important skill to learn. For couples, managing money can be a stressful and emotional issue.

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The DebtSmart Email Newsletter, ISSN 1538-6740, is written and published by Scott Bilker. Please contact  with any comments, problems, or concerns. (See the very bottom of the email to make changes to your subscription.)