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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 7/13/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; I am horrified--they want to know what I am going to do with the money!; Free software with phone savings; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Job Offers Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Rating your credit card; Avoid Debt; DebtSmart® Help Center; DebtSmart® Download Debt Elimination Package; High School Students and Credit Cards--A Recipe for Disaster?; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/29/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Pickup Payments; Free software with phone savings; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Pool House Rock Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! 7 Tips for Giving Allowances; DebtSmart® Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Payday Loans = Costly Cash; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/15/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores; Free software with phone savings; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: A Penny Paid Is More Than a Penny Earned Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; DebtSmart® Help Center; Yard Sale Etiquette "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Your Checking Account; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/1/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Choosing a debt counselor How to save money on your phone service within minutes!; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Semiannual Mortgage Payoff Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Rating your credit card; Can an unpaid cellular phone bill be reported on my credit report?; DebtSmart® Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Disposable Credit Card Numbers; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/18/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Calling banks for my 82-year-old mother How to save money on your phone service within minutes!; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; Household Math™: Auto Loan Rate Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! Adventures of the Debt Daredevil: Car on Credit; DebtSmart Help Center; "I had your books less than 2 hours and already saved twice the cost of them with a single phone call!" Advanced cash-advance techniques; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/4/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates Credit Card Help From Scott Bilker: The $43,000 Man Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Household Math™: Cutting the Budget Stop Debt Collectors Cold; Western Union® Prepaid MasterCard® Card; How Junk Mail Can Save You Money DebtSmart Help Center; Rating your credit card; Credit; Lessons for Retirees; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/20/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Bankruptcy Law Passes House Credit Card Help From Scott Bilker: The $43,000 Man Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! Stop Debt Collectors Cold What's Your #1 Excuse?; DebtSmart Help Center; How to Correct Mixed or Split Credit Reports; Rating your credit card; How To Telecommute Successfully; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/23/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; How Do You Get that Loan Formula? "I calculated my savings at $3,968. WOW!" Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage Insider Secrets of Business & Personal Credit Avoiding The Credit Card Over-The-Limit Fee; DebtSmart Help Center; Consolidating Credit Cards to One Account; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/9/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; They Raised My Rate You Saved Me a Bundle of Money Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now! Insider Secrets of Business & Personal Credit You're invited to a special Teleseminar with Garrett Sutton and Gerri Detweiler; Rating your credit card; 10-Minute Tasks to Help You Save Money; DebtSmart Help Center; Protecting Your Credit Following ID Theft: A Step-by-Step Plan of Action; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/23/05
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; 0% forever transfer deal--is it for real? When it comes to saving money; there are some deals that are no-brainers Featured Credit Cards Can Save You Money Now!; Household Math™: What is APR Stop Debt Collectors Cold Beautiful offer made by CapitalOne to my wife; DebtSmart Help Center; Cash Advance Suicide; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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